Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Two Grasshoppers Reads.......

The basics of marketing are something everyone should
understand.  Even if you don't think you're in marketing,
you're in marketing.  If you have an idea at work, or want
to get a raise, or want to convince your girlfriend or
boyfriend to go see a movie then there is something
applicable from the marketing world.  Even picking out
a good headline for something you're writing so that it
will actually get read requires some basic marketing skills.
To learn how to spread an idea with the help of basic 
marketing skills, Two Grasshoppers recommends the
following books.

The Ultimate Sales Letter
Dan Kennedy

"A powerful sales letter is the ultimate marketing tool
for all types of business owners, sales reps, and advertising
professionals.  However, most sales letters end up getting
tossed in the junk mail pile.  The Ultimate Sales Letter, 
3rd Edition shows you how to write letters that get read,
generate leads, and make money."

The Psychology of Influence
Robert B. Cialdini

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