Monday, September 14, 2009

There is nothing to Fear...But God!

I have came to the realization that there is nothing to fear but fear itself...

So with that in mind, I challenge you all to try the following this week:

1) Talk to that male or female you always have been attracted to
2) Call in sick if you don't feel well
3) Tell someone how you really really feel about their behaviour
4) Tell your boss the truth about your job and why it is not helping you
5) Tell your parents to stop bothering you about the little things
6) Come home late...
7) Get her phone number why not?
8) By that item you always wanted to get
9) Quit your job, even though you have no other source of income
10) Speed
11) Cuss off that police officer
12) Cut in line or yell at someone who has cut in line on you
13) Tell your in laws the truth
14) Tell your girlfriend or boyfriend the REAL truth regardless of it it hurts their feelings
15) Stop hanging around friends that won't help you or bring you up
16) Go to the gym 5 days this week
17) Have that extra drink
18) Test drive that car, what's the worst that could happen..

If you are struggling for an example of some of the most fearless candidates... Look at Kanye West, 50 Cent, George Bush and Barack Obama.

Stay tuned for part two it gets more bold and courageous...

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