Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Remember When
There's something about Coco (Austin)

Dawmmmm!! Looks like the white persuasion has been stepping their game up. Ice T has found himself a dime. Coco Austin, who is married to famous rapper, actor, pimp and entrepreneur has slapped the taste out of our mouths here at two grasshoppers with her newest spread.
Renting vs Owning (of Property)

For all my renters out there how are you doing? What is the deal with renting? Everyone seems to have their own opinion about why you should not be renting and how it may or may not be paying someone else's mortgage in certain situations, however one thing is for certain you will have to live somewhere. When it comes down to putting a roof over your head or being homeless obviously i would rent. Some people have said that you should live at home and save your money until you have saved enough money to move out and buy a home and live happily ever after. However, who is to say that buying a home is not more of a responsibility or expense on your part. The objective point of view is that you own something that can potentially gain equity and give you a better credit score in the long run. However, what most pple seem to not recognize is that in comparison to renting buying a home can actually be a lot of work, money and stress. First of all there is the continuous maintenance that you will have to perform, shovelling your drive way, fixing anything if it breaks, paying land taxes, hydro, water, heat and any other expenses that come with owning a home. When renting it really comes down to one set fee your rent, parking if you have two cars and your laundry. We have prepared a chart to display the differences as an example below.
Renting or owning is always something that needs to thought through. Based on your family or financial situation who is to say which one is better , however in the long run owning your own property always makes more sense and it is unwise to want to rent forever. You be the judge....
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sexy, Sultry Platforms

I don't know about everyone else but I am in

Report Downey2, $215
Girls Night Out: Warning if you are Eating Stop!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Shirtless profile pictures

I guess I'm not as buff as I thought I was.
Why you ask? Well because I don't have a
shirtless profile picture of myself on
my facebook or myspace page. Everytime I
sign on I see updated pictures of somebody
who recently met Gym and started drinking
the "potion" from the local GNC and their
mom noticed their plum sized biceps and half
drank six pack. (You know who you are because
you're coming up with reasons why you have a
shirtless picture in your profile right now").
Instead of just continuing to kick it with
their new friend Gym and continuing to work
towards growing the plums to grapefruits and
saving enough for a whole six pack they get
ahead of themselves. So with their new found
self esteem and ego through the roof they ask
their sister to take a picture for them but
often too embarrassed they take the picture
themselves with their camera phone. Reason?
To kill two birds with one stone.
1 Upload the shirtless picture to profile
2 Keep shirtless picture in their phone for
someone (hopefully a young lady) to stumble
across when they inevitably ask: "Can I
see your pics?"
I can't say anymore.
Wait, ladies don't think you're any different
with your bikini pictures. Girls that normally
wouldn't be caught dead outside of their house
unless they're turtlenecked up. Not exposing
even the smallest peak of skin, suddenly
become liberated online.
But seriously now I'm done.
Act Like a Lady, Think like a Man
Interesting concept isn't it?
Steve Harvey seems to have all the answers as he provides a blueprint breaking down
why most women fail in their relationships with men. As a three time divorcee most would
ask how it's possible for him to give relationship advice. Now, if you think the other way ladies, as a man
who has messed up with women so many times before, he's actually the perfect candidate to explain why
men do the things they do. As he says, he's not an expert on relationships, he's an expert on manhood.
Steve tells women everything from why not to have sex on the first date to why it's important to find out a mans intentions from the start. This New York Times Best Seller can be picked up at any local book store. But if you're still not convinced, click on the link to check out what he has to say on the Ellen show.
Aspiring Aries
Friday, March 27, 2009
Do you know?
There are at least 2 people in the world that you would
die for.At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because
they want to be just like you.A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone even if
they don't like you.Every night someone thinks about you before they go to
sleep.You mean the world to someone.
You are special and unique.
Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake something good comes
of it.When you think the world has turned its back on you
take another look.Always remember the compliments you receive forget
about the rude remarks.
Can you stand the rain?
Unlike a lot people, I love the rain. When it rainsfeelings of calm, sex and R&B music fill my mind.I'm not sure if its a product of watching one toomany R. Kelly or Jodeci type R&B videos from theearly 90s. Videos where the singer or whole groupinevitably found themselves caught in a flash rainshower and are force resort to sing a song to passthe time until the skies cleared. Its either that orthe cleaning refreshing effect that the rain has.Whatever the reason I love the rain. Not standingin it or umbrellas but driving in it or sleepingduring it.Ps. Umbrellas are dumb ... but that's for another day.Take a listen to New Edition, singing about the rain.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
What’s with Tight Jeans?

What comes to mind when you think of tight jeans?
What’s with tight jeans? What is this new phenomenon that most men seem to succomb to?
First of all, if you are walking down the street and your legs look like they are covered with black long johns
your jeans are too tight.
I am not hating, don’t get me wrong...okay you got me. I am hating. I am hating because I like to breathe
when I am walking, I like being able to bend down and tie my shoelaces if need be. I also really like being
able to put my hands in my pocket when I need to pay for something. The other day I seen someone
carrying a purse, a purse can you believe that..
I digress.