Not everyone is made to withstand intense cardio and weight
training sessions at the gym. If you're looking for a new way
to get in shape mentally and physically Bikram Yoga might
be what you are looking for. Bikram Yoga is practiced in a
heated room of 40.5 degrees celsius with a humidity of 40%.
This type of yoga at this temperature promotes profuse
sweating that helps to rid the body of toxins, keeping the
body warm and also more flexible. There are 26 postures
that you will be guided through which affect the heart,
lungs, circulation, muscles, brain activity and mental
capacity. If these benefits aren't enough to convince you,
one 90 minute class of Bikram yoga will allow you to burn
1500 calories! Now think about that the next time your
struggling to keep up on the treadmill at the gym.
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