Yo here is today's joke.
Last nite I decided to workout with my wife on this new cardio workout called "Insanity" hosted by Sean T from the notorious "Hip-Hop Abs".
The night before I sat and watched my wife do a full 30 minute workout in front of me and realized that I have been slacking on my cardio activities.
So last night I decided "hey what the hell, lets do it with Nadia and prove that I still got it."
What I did not know was that this workout was a full 60 minutes with maybe 5 minutes of breaktime in total. Breaktime was alotted to refuelling on water, wiping sweat off your face and back and trying to regain consciousness.
I began the workout following along with my wife and Shaun T, who seemed to be breaking it down pretty smoothly. After about 15 minutes of jumping jacks, lunges, squats and awkward strecthes the "Warm up" was over and now the Exercise would begin.
When I realized that we were just working on the warm up I was shocked, afraid and interested all at the same time.
Not only was my heart beating out of my chest like an AK-47 in West Kingston, but I was sweating like I stole something.
As the workout increased and the moves intensified I began to have what many would call an "outer body experience" in which I was watching myself workout.
My back began to tense up, my legs felt like linguine and my abs were burning something serious.
When it was time for a 30 second water break, I collapsed on the floor and could not move. I mean I was panting and struggling to breath something serious. The funny thing about it was that this was only 20 minutes into the 60 minute workout.
I struggled to keep up with my wife and Shaun T who was not only instructing the viewer on this "Intensity Workout Video", but dominating and running circles around the participants in the video also.
Suddenly, I began to lose my balance and fell hard on my carpeted apartment floor. I lay there for about two minutes, breathing hard and watching my wife continue the workout like she was performing on stage.
10 minutes had passed and in which it dawned on me that I had actually fell asleep instantly due to working out that hard. I was stunned. Not only was I lying on the floor, sweating like a wounded prison guard, I actually passed out and was stone conked on the floor sleeping like a new born baby.
After I came to, I got back up and attempted (with all my strength) to continue the workout. 2 minutes later I was out cold on the couch fast asleep from exhaustion to the sound of my wife's breathing while working out, and Shaun T yelling at us to
" Push Through and Keep going".
Now this was no regular workout video on the beaches of some Caribbea, this is the real thing.
I challenge you to do this Intensity workout.
If you can complete it on your first try i will give you $20.00 cash right away.
"Challenge em'. Challenge em' " I dare you. LOL!
True Story
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