interesting experiences as a female who gets picked
up by males. I'll incorporate my thoughts and advice to
improve your pick up tactics. So listen up fellas.
This weekend I was in the LCBO picking up a few things
when I was approached by a rather bulky male. The
Introduction: "I just wanted to let you know that I think
you're absolutely gorgeous" (said with extra pizaz!). My
reply: "Thank you," as I continue trying to pick out my liquor
selection for the night. Most would stop with that one line
but not Mr. LCBO. "You do know that you're gorgeous
right? Right?
Lesson #1: I heard you the first time.
My thought process is now jumbled because he's
interrupted me more than once. "So what are you're
plans for tonight? Staying in with the boyfriend huh?"
My reply: "Yes I am."
Lesson #2: I'm taken.
"Well my name is (his name). It was nice meeting you."
I breathe a sigh of relief in my mind because I can finally
get back to my liquor selection. "You did get my name
Lesson #3: Now, you're just coming off as being
desperate. I'm not deaf.
All in all, it was a nice way to approach a lady but you
came up to desperate. I said I had a boyfriend, that should
have stopped him in his tracks.
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