Thursday, May 28, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Top 10 Reasons Nice Guys Never Get Women

Author: Andres Munoz

You probably can't count how many times you heard the phrase, "Nice Guys Finish Last". These nice guys time and time again allow themselves to get stomped on by women, it's sad to watch. What makes it more incredible is they don't even realize their errors and get frustrated with their lack of success with women. In clubs, bars or just at house parties you can spot nice guys from a mile away. They devote much of their time into doing things for women to the point they forget about taking care of themselves. Here are the top 10 reasons nice guys never get women:

1: They are way too needy. Whenever I see guys clinging on to women 24/7 I seriously want to vomit in disgust. These guys have zero self confidence and radiate "loser" where ever they go.

2: His happiness is dependent on his relationships the girl he's seeing. He has no friends of his own and will devote all his time to that one girl. He calls all the time and doesn't give her the chance to miss him.

3: Nice guys are well - too nice to women. They don't challenge women and in short wind up being a push around. Women will not value a man if he doesn't challenge them and aren't fun or adventurous. I can't stress how awful men appear to women that are too nice.

4: Nice guys give up all the power. Women in general will test a man to see what his reaction will be. Nice guys will fail this test by apologizing and doing whatever she says putting aside his own needs. All she needs to do is throw a tantrum and he becomes a doormat.

5: Nice guys tend to be shy around women. He acts nervously around other people especially with women and won't make the effort to step forward and talk or make any connections with people.

6: Nice guy are emotional tampons. He will sit there and listen to all her problems the way a girlfriend would.

7: Trying to buy her affection with gifts and dinners. Major mistake nice guys make simply because at the core of it women will not respect a guy who tries to buy their affection. It's the perfect recipe for her to move on to some other guy and the nice guy has nothing to show for, just loads of money down the drain.

8: Nice guys don't exude confidence around women. Women want a man to take charge and be confident. As much as women want to claim that they want a sweet guy they are completely contradicting themselves because at the end of the day women are attracted to men who knows what they want and take charge with no apologies.

9: Nice guys don't embrace their masculinity. They feel that they must put in check their masculine desires and apologize for being a man! There is nothing wrong with being a man but thanks to the American feminist movement men today are afraid to show their true masculine nature.

10: Nice guys apologize unnecessarily. Whatever happens they apologize even if it's her fault. If the girl the women they are with begin to act bratty the nice guy will apologize and give in to her behavior. Save your apologies for big-time bloopers.

There are many nice guys that share several if not all of these characteristics which simply spell disaster for their social lives especially with women. The cold hard truth is that women are repulsed by nice guys. They don't challenge women and once that happens nice guys are placed in the "friends" category and any attraction is now gone.

About the Author:
Andres Munoz is a dating expert and with his latest project he reveals which dating courses are most effective in seduction. Sign up for our mini course and start using these seduction secrets you can use tonight and get immediate results at

Article Source: - Top 10 Reasons Nice Guys Never Get Women

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