Over the last little while ... I don't know a year or so, I feel like I'm only attracting one type, no brand of female. For the life of me I can't figure out why this is. Is it my style of dress, my body type, my hair, shit I really don't know.
For whatever reason, I'm finding this phenomenon quite troubling, (yes it's a phenomenon). Not because I don't like woman, or have anything against this "brand" of woman, but I'm not a slave to any one brand. Just like with clothing, I don't only buy Guess or True Religion or Seven jeans, I buy and wear what I like and looks good on me. So too is my taste in the female "brands".
Like an actor playing the same role over and over *cough* Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Stathom *cough*, I'm being type casted. Friends and family are questioning if this is my new style; before quickly asking themselves thinking in retrospect ... "Remember he used to dress that way back in the day, I guess fashion really does cycle ... *chuckle chuckle*". But, I'm not laughing.
Anyone who knows me knows that I like ALL "brands" of woman, safe for the really eccentric, flamboyant coloured ones, however you may find with a hot pink one if I'm in that kind of mood, after all I'm a Gemini. But, to be told or redirected through the mall to "this store" because this is where I'll find what I'm looking for or more so what's looking for me is tripping me out.
The point of this rant ... I mean post ... I like ALL BRANDS of girls! Gucci, Fendi, BUM equipment, Levis, 725 Originals, Le Chateau .... "I don't discriminate, I love 'em all."
So ladies ... come one come all, I just want to meet you.
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