While everyone eats and most people enjoy food and our societal views about food have changed, in many circles a love for or obsession with food is frowned upon. I got to plead George Costanza on this one, "Was that wrong, really? ... If I had any idea that sort of thing was frowned upon". Because I can't even lie, I love food, when there is none around I've gotten used to making due, but when at a buffet or have a craving you better believe, I'll walk up to the buffet, leave home in the middle of the night for a bite, or leave one restaurant and stop at a dessert spot on the way home for another meal.
I've been known to have two dinners in the same night! I know I may have a problem. But as I said before, when there is limited food, I don't beg, borrow or steal, I wait it out. That's human nature though right, when you're at a buffet you'll eat and eat, get plate after plate leaving half eaten chicken wings and slices of pizza, but when you're home and their nothing much around you'll eat every morsel of meat and grissle off that same chicken bone and even eat the pizza crust.
The lesson that I like many others need to learn that ANYTHING in excess, even sex ... I mean FOOD, is not good, always practice and learn moderation. There is always another day and time, but if you're of the belief that you should live every day like it's your last ... then EAT UP!
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