Over the years, I have enjoyed the music, the people and the food. Caribana has to be one of my most favourite times in the city. It is a time for everyone to put all their stress aside and party as hard as possible before reality kicks you in the ass after the alcohol and weekend excitement wear off.
From going to the parade for 22 years now I think that it is time to give some of our less experienced participants to make sure they are prepared, safe and aware of some important necessities that you need to have with you at all times this weekend (especially on the road this during the parade)
- Water- Keep hydrated it is important
- Towel or Face cloth- Gotta wipe the sweat off
- Vaseline- For your lips gotta keep them moistened
- Condoms- Practice Safe Sex STD's are at an all time high
- Lighter- If you smoke
- Energy Drinks- Gotta keep yourself up and about
- Camera- Document everything and everyone you encounter
- Cell Phone- In case of emergency or to network
- Money- Makes the world go round
- I.D- Never leave home without it
- Change of Clothes in the Car- In case you spill food or drinks on yourself
- Food- Gotta feed yourself first before anything else
- Hand Sanitizer- Cleanliness is next to Godliness
- A Pen-In case your phone is dead take it back to the late 90's
- A Piece of Paper- What else are you gonna write his/her number on?
- Baseball Bat or Knife- It's Caribana don't act surprised. (Always be prepared)
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