Saving requires discipline BUT with these three helpful
tips, you can be on your way to saving $125 a week, which
is equivalent to $6,500 a year.
On average, buying lunch costs around $8.00 a meal.
If this is done 5 days a week, this adds up to $40.00/ week.
Prepare left overs from the night before or hit the
grocery store to put together a lunch of your choice.
SAVINGS: $30.00
2. Have a night in
Going to the club or out to eat will run you anywhere from
$40 - $120. This includes a meal (for a restaurant) and cover
charge and drinks (for a club).
SAVINGS: $70.00
3. Carpool
One tank of gas will average out to be anywhere between $40 - 50.
When this is split in half by carpooling, your costs are cut in half.
If this doesn't seem to be an effective choice for you, how about
public transit. With rates at $2.75 for adult fares, you are still
saving on gas and car maintenance in the long run.
SAVINGS: $25.00
So, the next time you think about how convenient it would be
to do all of these things, think twice and remind yourself
how much you could be saving if you didn't.
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