From the moment Nike released the Air Max 90' sneaker in 1990, I have always recognized this particular sneaker for the illustrious and classy. Don't get me wrong, I like other influential sneakers such as Jordans, Reebok Classics and Adidas runners too, however my love for Air Max stems from growing up in Markham, Canada.
Growing up in my neighbourhood in the early 90's shoes were more than just something you wore on your feet, they determined who was cool and who was not. In my opinion, shoes are an extension of your body. They reveal how you feel about yourself, who you were associated with and your overall personality. Most importantly, the way you take care of them reveals your overall cleanliness as well.
From where I come from dirty sneakers was never something that was cool. Even as a young adolescent, I would run home after school and clean my sneakers with some hot water in a cup, laundry detergent and an old toothbrush. It was almost an obsession to have clean sneakers on and when they were clean everyone noticed.
As I grew older I grew sick of continuously cleaning them, and since I was working and had saved up some money I began to buy other pairs. This is wear the addiction started because the more pairs I bought the more I wanted. The more I have, the greater the possibility of attaining more. These are the next on my list, how about you?
To all my Air Max lovers I Salute You with 2009 newest joints...
Sean Salty Sax
Well said ...
ReplyDeleteThe Air Max collection in itself is a dynasty.
When I was younger, Air Max used to be the most expensive shoes (sometimes more than Jordans) and I couldn't afford them.
I used to fantasize about all the pairs I would buy if and when I had money.
Now the love and addiction continues to grow as I look to expand my collection whenever new pairs are released.