In 1948, the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights to prohibit slavery and the slave trade in
all forms. Of course, despite this document, global slavery
still exists amongst many races and in various countries
around the world. Here are some shocking facts about
global slavery taken from a study in 2008.
1. The are more people enslaved now than in any other time in
history: The Transatlantic Trade shipped 12 million Africans
to multiple colonies in the West. Today, the number of slaves
worldwide has reached 27 million. 3 out of 4 of these slaves are
women and half are children.
2. The value of slaves has decreased: $40,000 was the approximate
cost of a slave in the 1850's. Today, the average price of a
slave is $90.
3. Slavery still exists in the U.S. (yes, even with an African American
President): 17,500 slaves a year are brought into the U.S. 50,000
of those individuals work as prostitutes, farm workers or
domestic servants. More than 1,000,000 people are enslaved
in the U.S.
4. The term slavery is disguised from society by using other names to
hide it: Some names include bonded labour, trafficking, forced
labour and forced marriage.
5. Bonded Labour is the least known method but the most commonly
used: Labour is demanded from another person when a debt or
loan is owned; thus, enslaving the person for the rest of their
6. Human trafficking is the fastest growing enterprise in the world:
Trafficking human cargo makes $7 billion dollars a year.
7. To buy bonded labourers out of slavery the cost is $40 per family.
8. Slave-produced good are within your homes without you realizing
their origin: Some of the items include cocoa, cotton, steel,
oriental rugs, diamonds and silk.
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