Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why Women Date Jerks

10. More fun to complain about them to your friends.
9. Guys who actually like you just aren't 'challenging' or 'exciting' enough.
8. When you do date nice guys, they turn into jerks anyway, so why not save time and go for the jerk in the first place.
7.  You won't get as emotionally attached to a jerk, so you'll be more in control of your
6.  All the other women seem to want them, so they must be worth having.
5.  Affection means more when it comes from a guy who doesn't normally give it.
4.  Guaranteed to cheat on you, so it is more of a challenge to change him or make him look at 
his actions from a female perspective.
3. No need to feel guilty for abusing or deceiving them.
2. Jerks will actually tell you when they don't like what your doing, instead of ignoring it or       
getting mad about it six months later.
1.Looking for love, great sex and companionship no matter how many times they abuse you    
mentally, financially, physically and emotionally.

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