Sunday, April 12, 2009

90 day probation period.

When you meet someone new and start dating its like starting a new job. The application is when you first meet at a club, grocery store, school, work or blind date. The interview often takes place over the phone or in person, on the first date.

That being said, in any new relationship there is often a question during the courting stage as to where you and your new friend stand or "what you are" or "where is this going?"
(This may get me in trouble) but when a female asks me "what are we?" I simply respond with nothing or we are going "Nowhere". Just because you have a new hire... Meaning you've started talking, dating or seeing someone does not mean you're married or in a committed relationship. Neither of you are obligated to the other, until you both agree to be.

So I'm sure the next question on your mind is... "So when?". When does your hot new temp employee become permanent and entitled to all the benefits you as a person have to offer? I say after they pass the 90 day probation period. But like with a job in that 90 days you must realize and understand that you can be terminated at anytime during this period without notice or without being given a reason.

Not only does will this system and practice hopefully ensure that if nothing else that during the first 3 months of getting to know someone they will be at their best and if not be aware that they can be let go at any time. Just as with any job, while you may not be willing to do it, there are many others waiting for their chance to apply, interview or just be given a chance. There is nothing worst than hiring a contract worker or temp who thinks they're in line to be the next CEO. With this practice, you don't have to feel bad about telling them "sorry I don't think this is going to work out".

The one bug in the system that is yet to be ironed out is the possibility that like a job, you're new girl or dude may relax after the 3 months have passed, because shit now they have the job with benefits and as more time passes you're going to need a good reason to terminate them now.

I'm just saying...

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