I always found this topic interesting
and I finally have the chance to say
my piece on the whole issue.
I don't get what the big deal is in the
first place. Why do you feel like you
need to make it known that you don't
go down on us? That's nobody's business.
You're really not doing yourself any
favours by preaching your masculinity
364 days of the year and as soon as
Caribana Friday comes around, you're
down on Yonge Street whispering "I'd
like to lick you all over" to some female
you just met.
Now, I'm not saying that you need to go
out and put your head between every
females legs but come on; any smart
male in a serious relationship knows that
if you're willing to do the do that she will
be more than happy to fulfill your every
fantasy and then some. You think
you're being a man by pretending to stand
your ground on the topic but you're not. A
real man is confident in what he does and sets
the standard; he doesn't follow the norm.
So stop lying to yourselves. I saw you
trying to get between those thighs
Caribana weekend. And if you don't
want anyone to know, I suggest you
keep your opinions to yourself!
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