Friday, August 20, 2010

New Years Resolutions....In August lol!

As it nears the end of yet another year coming down from the high of Christmas its hard not to reflect on the past 365. Can't help but be reflective and think back about what went well, what went wrong, what can be done better. While its good to learn from and think about the past its better not to dwell on it and to continue to move forward using these life lessons as your guide.
Why then knowing all of this do I still become a victim of my own thoughts?
At times the decisions I make one minute will be drastically different than those I make the next. I have to trick myself into being more decisive. Either I know what I want and I act on it. Or I don't and I think about it, plan my next move and calculate how I will do it and when. But why waste so much in mental limbo?
While still young everyday of this life we live is a gift. Not to sound morbid or preachy but to highlight how real life really is. Some ppl sit think plan then execute for fear of acting too quickly. Others think then act while executing their plan. Time is not then wasted considering all the negative possibilities and hypothetical situations that may or may not present themselves.

On that note
Day 1 of 2009 aka 2000 and mine or 2000 and grind will be different. How do I know? How can you believe that its not just going to be the same as last year? Especially when its only 1 day old. Because not only have I thought about what I want to accomplish this year but I've already started to do it. This year I will write a book a manuscript a journal whatever you want to call it; you're reading it. I'm going to find a legal way to make some extra money which is also in the works as I spoke to my friend today who is sending me some clothes to sell. Order made mailing this week, money to be sent. Finally and most importantly change jobs find something that I will enjoy doing that the stress will not be eating at my young eager driven soul. I am determined to succeed which i'm convinced is the product of hard work and determination.

Over the last year a lot has changed while some things have stayed the same. A love lost a love gained and a lot of lessons learned in between.
You heard me mention the love lost so not going to bore you with the details of that sob story. And you're up to date on the love gained which is on pause. Where do we go from here? Hmm.

Based on the conversation we had new years day the answer is up. We're both challenging ourselves to save as much as we can and progress. The hustler's spirit is not easily learned. Easy to see and believe you can do the same but there has to be a motivator. Find what yours is... To maker the non believers believe to make the your loved ones proud or to prove to yourself that you can.
For me its that I know I deserve and want better for myself. Never been one to settle in life or love so why start now?

Yeah last year was a crazy year of change and uncertainty at times but a new day is upon us... A new year has come and rather than making resolution i'm striving to make history for myself.

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