Thursday, May 28, 2009
Spring/Summer 2009 Makeup Trends

Top 10 Reasons to date a cougar?

Ten Reasons to Date a Cougar
by Lucia
She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to let you know. She means what she says and says what she means. She won’t freak out if she doesn’t hear from you for a few days.
She doesn’t get as emotionally attached as younger women do if she’s having sex with you. She has a high sex drive. She’s comfortable with her body. She knows what she’s doing. She will rock your world.
She doesn’t need yours! She doesn’t care how much you make. She doesn’t care what your earning potential is. She doesn’t expect you to pay for everything.
No Drama
She won’t call/text you 20 times a day. She won’t have a temper tantrum or cry easily. She won’t ask: Why didn’t you call? Where were you? Where is this going?
Life Experience
She’s been around (in a good way) and is socially and sexually savvy. You will become a man and a better lover as a result of being with her.
More Interesting
She’s lived, traveled and experienced life. She has a lot to talk about. Conversation will never be dull.
No Pressure
She’s generally not interested in having children or getting married. She’s into having fun and going with the flow instead of trying to get a commitment.
She is rarely flaky. She’s not into wasting her time or yours. She’s not into games. You can count on her to follow through and keep her word.
She understands your need to win; your need to feel like a hero; your need to feel appreciated; your need to occasionally withdraw. She understands men.
Total package
She has her act together: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and sexually. She’s the total package.
Top 10 Reasons Why Nice Guys Finish Last
Top 10 Reasons Nice Guys Never Get Women
Author: Andres MunozYou probably can't count how many times you heard the phrase, "Nice Guys Finish Last". These nice guys time and time again allow themselves to get stomped on by women, it's sad to watch. What makes it more incredible is they don't even realize their errors and get frustrated with their lack of success with women. In clubs, bars or just at house parties you can spot nice guys from a mile away. They devote much of their time into doing things for women to the point they forget about taking care of themselves. Here are the top 10 reasons nice guys never get women:
1: They are way too needy. Whenever I see guys clinging on to women 24/7 I seriously want to vomit in disgust. These guys have zero self confidence and radiate "loser" where ever they go.
2: His happiness is dependent on his relationships the girl he's seeing. He has no friends of his own and will devote all his time to that one girl. He calls all the time and doesn't give her the chance to miss him.
3: Nice guys are well - too nice to women. They don't challenge women and in short wind up being a push around. Women will not value a man if he doesn't challenge them and aren't fun or adventurous. I can't stress how awful men appear to women that are too nice.
4: Nice guys give up all the power. Women in general will test a man to see what his reaction will be. Nice guys will fail this test by apologizing and doing whatever she says putting aside his own needs. All she needs to do is throw a tantrum and he becomes a doormat.
5: Nice guys tend to be shy around women. He acts nervously around other people especially with women and won't make the effort to step forward and talk or make any connections with people.
6: Nice guy are emotional tampons. He will sit there and listen to all her problems the way a girlfriend would.
7: Trying to buy her affection with gifts and dinners. Major mistake nice guys make simply because at the core of it women will not respect a guy who tries to buy their affection. It's the perfect recipe for her to move on to some other guy and the nice guy has nothing to show for, just loads of money down the drain.
8: Nice guys don't exude confidence around women. Women want a man to take charge and be confident. As much as women want to claim that they want a sweet guy they are completely contradicting themselves because at the end of the day women are attracted to men who knows what they want and take charge with no apologies.
9: Nice guys don't embrace their masculinity. They feel that they must put in check their masculine desires and apologize for being a man! There is nothing wrong with being a man but thanks to the American feminist movement men today are afraid to show their true masculine nature.
10: Nice guys apologize unnecessarily. Whatever happens they apologize even if it's her fault. If the girl the women they are with begin to act bratty the nice guy will apologize and give in to her behavior. Save your apologies for big-time bloopers.
There are many nice guys that share several if not all of these characteristics which simply spell disaster for their social lives especially with women. The cold hard truth is that women are repulsed by nice guys. They don't challenge women and once that happens nice guys are placed in the "friends" category and any attraction is now gone.
Andres Munoz is a dating expert and with his latest project he reveals which dating courses are most effective in seduction. Sign up for our mini course and start using these seduction secrets you can use tonight and get immediate results at http://www.datingreviewworld.com/seductionsecrets.htm
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Top 10 Reasons Nice Guys Never Get Women
Top 10 Reasons Why Men Should Date A Fillapina?
Since birth Filipinas are raised in a special sense of honor called Delikadesa (or Delicadeza). Delicadeza is a Spanish term which when translated in English means daintiness. It is defined as a sense of propriety, an act of being refined or delicate in tastes and manners.
It is Delikadesa what gives Filipino women such admirable qualities and distinguish them from Western ladies. You will never find a proper Filipina bring shame onto herself and her family by lying, cheating, stealing, running around with different men or flunking out of school. It is one of the meanings of Delikadesa – pride in doing the right thing.
3. Filipinas are understanding, patient and composed.
Most Filipina girls would never engage in a quarrel or a loud argument simply because this wouldn’t suit a real Lady . They are taught to speak politely, with a gentle tone of voice. Arguing is just not acceptable, along with public criticism. This soft spoken, quiet and understanding nature of the Filipina Ladies is the desired trait that Filipinas strive towards.
4. Filipina girls are generous and naturally caring and supportive.
The common spirit of survival has united the Filipinos for centuries making generosity and loyalty towards family a time-honored tradition. The caring and supportive nature of the Filipinas is apparent in the fact that there are no booming businesses for retirement homes or orphanages in the Philippines – they would never abandon a child or a member of the family in need.
5. Filipina girls believe in a one-man one-woman relationship.
Since there is no "absolute divorce" in the Philippines , Filipinas are raised in a high regard for the sanctity of marriage and consider it a life long commitment. Some, in fact many who marry these Filipina beauties, swear they make the best wives in the world – loyal, loving and faithful past death.
6. Filipina women put family first before money.
Faithfulness to the family is a tradition that is characteristic of the Filipino society. To the Filipina, family will always remain a great priority. Filipi no women , whom many would consider as coming from a relatively poor country, view the close loving bonds of their f amily as their wealth. They are more willing to sacrifice career than a family.
7. Filipinas are excellent home keepers.
Filipino ladies equate domestic responsibility with being a good wife – their home is a great source of pride for them and they do their best to create a warm and loving environment for their family. For the Filipina even yelling at home would mean de-facing her home so you will probably never find a Filipina woman screaming or breaking dishes.
8. Filipinas are well educated.
The Philippine culture attaches great importance to college education. Pride in accomplishment at school is instilled in Filipinas since their childhood and female college enrollment even exceeds that of the male. This affects the social positions too. Unlike other Asian countries where women tend to be in more subservient positions, the Philippines businesses are more accepting of women performing business. This is apparent with the current Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – the second Philippine woman to hold this esteemed position.
9. Filipino girls are religious.
The Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic ( the only Christian nation in the Far East ) and it is common amongst Philippine families to raise their children in the church. So don’t be surprised if your Filipina girl is more devoted to her religion than you are to yours.
10. Filipina-American marriages are more successful than American-American marriages.
An interesting fact is that according to the statistics Filipina-American marriages arranged through dating services have a lower divorce rate (about 20%) than the standard American- American marriage (about 40%). Still, the statistics may vary according to which source you use.
Basically this should have answered your question why so many men prefer a Filipina girl for dating. If you too decide to give it a try and date a Filipina, we wish you luck – who knows, you might find the girl you’ve been looking for…
10 Reasons why he did not call you?
If you were easily seduced, a man will lose interest in you. Men like what they can't have.
Remedy: Remember that you should be playful and fun, but never easy. Don't try to win his affections. Instead you need to make him win yours. If he asks for your number don't give it so easily. Think about it for a second and then say, "Sure, we can hang out sometime if I'm not busy." This way the man will think that he has somewhat succeeded in "getting you" but he knows that you probably have other men in your life and that he will need to try a little harder.
You didn't show ENOUGH interest
This one is on the opposite end of the spectrum to number 10. You need to get him into a comfort zone where he will ask for your number.
Remedy: Flirting is the key here. Guys aren't always as social as women, therefore it is up to you to keep a conversation going and interesting if the conversation is dying. Escalate your level of interest by initiating some physical contact (touch hands, hair, thigh) and show that you are interested in this guy. Remember, don't go overboard with the interest because it can cause him to actually LOSE interest in you, especially if the guy knows that women are drawn to him.
You had a negative image
Guys can tell from the tone of your voice and your body language about how you are feeling.
Remedy: Keeping a smile on your face and looking relaxed will assure your man that you are still interested. Make sure, if you are going on a date, that you dress up slightly nicer than what you would wear in a casual setting. Men sometimes will gauge your interest level in him by your clothing. If you're dressed super sexy, it will indicate to him that you want him. If you dress casual it will indicate to him that you think of him as a friend to leech off of.
You didn't connect with him on a deeper level
If he finds out you're as dumb as a rock (see Jessica Simpson), he won't connect with you on a deeper level.
Remedy: Experience life. Don't act ditzy. It's quite simple. Try to show your sophistication. Share some of your interests. Share stories about yourself and try to demonstrate that you are an interesting person to be friends with. Go to the book store and buy a book.
He's trying to demonstrate his own worth
Men tend to wait a while before calling. He may also expect you to call. This way he doesn't seem too clingy and he can take the upper hand in the relationship. This kind of attitude is a "I could have you, but I've got other things to do, so I won't initiate the call" attitude.
Remedy: Sometimes you will have to take the initiative. Give him a casual call to say hi, but don't hint at any future dates. This is sometimes the sign that a man will wait for to see if you are really interested in him. If the man is especially desirable in society (rich, good looking, etc), then yes, you do want to take the initiative to give him the call. He might not want to get rejected, therefore he waits until you call him first.
Face it. Some guys are players and they hide their lives.
Remedy: If you're more desirable than the girlfriend, he will still choose you. But if he does have a girlfriend you should probably steer clear of this type of man anyways.
Circumstances exist that he doesn't want to break
If he feels a relationship could ruin a job or a friendship, he might not want to get involved.
Remedy: If you work with him, you probably ought to stay clear of him. A relationship in the work place can be stressful. If you are already somewhat friends with him before you guys met, he may not be willing to risk the friendship. In this case you need to make it clear that you want to escalate. Kissing him is one of the ways you can show this. Asking to go back to his place is another way. Remember that you will only want to progress to kissing or sex if you guys have already connected. Don't do this on a first date or even a second date. If he's interested enough to ask you on a third date, you should seal the deal then. Around the third date is usually when a guy will think to himself whether he wants to keep you around for date #4 so he can progress the relationship further, or if he feels that you have not connected and will stop calling.
For shallow reasons
Meaning there was some way that you looked or smelled that turned him off.
Remedy: Make sure you are CLEAN and wearing perfume. Men love to smell that stuff. It's also a huge turn off if you eat onions or something that can make your breath smell. Eating mints and chewing gum will also sign to him that you are interested in escalating the physical contact. Also having good smelling feet is necessary too, especially if you plan on going to his house later.
If you made it into his bedroom that night perhaps he found it appalling that you have something gross in your nether regions? I've actually personally had that experience. Needless to say, I didn't call back.
He played you
Easy, he was just playing the phone number game and you were one of his targets.
Remedy: Try to figure out if he's genuine or if he's just trying to feel better about himself by getting your phone number. Avoid the men in clubs who smooth talk and seduce you like they've been doing it their whole lives. Truth is, they probably do this several times per week and you are just another conquest. As a general rule, don't let him get too far with you until you really get to know him.
He just wants to be friends
Because he thinks of you as just a friend, he is not going to call you up every single weekend. He's going to hang out with his buddies and other women.
Remedy: If you are on his friend's ladder you can be saved. Men will fall in and out of love with women at the drop of a dime so he can fall in love with you. If you are looking to make him a long term relationship then you CAN hang out with him as friends first. Then demonstrate to him that you also have other men in your life. Don't be clingy. After a while, you can give him indicators that you want him as more than just a friend. Remember, YOU will have to initiate it because frankly, most men are too scared to initiate if they feel you are only a friend.
My mind wanders ...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Random Video of the day!!!
Cruise ship, Brazil at Carnival, Strippers and Bubbly ... need I say more?
Rock The Bells Tour Hits Toronto July.5.2009 @ 2pm
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Addicted to Red Bull?

The Younger the Better???
Public Service Announcement: No Pantie Lines!

Star and Buck: Chris Brown Rihanna Re-enactment!!!!
D#ck in a Box
Remember Mike Tyson?

Remember Jose Canseco?
Check out what he's up to now.

If you're not sure what you're seeing ... its him getting is "track-infested" posterior kicked by Hong Man Choi, in a Mixed Martial Arts fight in Japan.
We at Two Grasshoppers suggest that you Mr Jose Canseco (if that's your real name) fade into the background, disappear into oblivion, get a job at your neighbour hood Parts Source, Lowes or Wal-mart ... but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay out of the spotlight, doesn't fit you very well.
full story http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more_sports/2009/05/26/2009-05-26_jose_canseco_former_bash_brother_gets_bashed.html
Protect Your Identity
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Best Sales Meeting Ever!!!!!!!
The Best of Ari Gold pt.1
Picture Man Productions Sneaker-Philliac Trailer
Who Are Our Role Models?
How to stay awake at work!!

You know that feeling. You've had lunch and now you've got several more hours to kill before quitting time. You're sitting there feeling lethargic and drowsy. You glance at the clock and see that it's only 1:15pm. You're annoyed at the thought of trying to stay awake and get some work done. Time drags.
We all have natural slumps in energy during the day. Here's some tips to stay awake and improve your alertness:
Eat Protein
Eating enough protein with your lunch will boost your energy levels. Proteins contained in meats and cheeses will do the trick. Snacking on nuts will also give you more energy.
Sing Something
Singing a tune will invigorate your soul and send oxygen racing through your blood stream. It doesn't matter if you have a nice singing voice or not, just be sure not to annoy your co-workers if you choose to go this route.
Avoid the Vending Machine
I know, I know. That machine filled with lots of goodies may be calling your name and trying to lure you into taking a sugar-filled snack, but you must resist the temptation. That candy bar will only give you a temporary boost. Soon enough, you'll come crashing down from your sugar high and the feeling of burnout will return.
Reduce Computer Glare
Eye strain causes fatigue. This is a big problem for people who work in offices where they spend a lot of time staring at their computer screens. Try to take breaks and periodically look away from your screen and focus your eyes on something else for a few minutes. Better yet, get an anti-glare filter for your computer screen.
Research shows that meditation is great for increasing alertness. Close your eyes and think pleasant thoughts or visualize yourself doing something you love. When you open your eyes, you'll be refreshed.
Take a Break Outside
Escape your office or cubicle and get some fresh air. Exposure to a natural environment will immediately wake you up. If you can't get outside, then sit or stand next to a window for several minutes, gazing outside.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can zap your energy by up to 15%, so it's a good idea to drink water throughout the day.
Friday, May 22, 2009
America's Top 10 Beaches ...

Hanalei Bay, Kauai, Hawaii
Siesta Beach, Sarasota, Florida
Coopers Beach, Southampton, New York
Coronado Beach, San Diego, California
Hamoa Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Main Beach, East Hampton, New York
Cape Hatteras,Outer Banks, North Carolina
Cape Florida State Park, Key Biscayne, Florida
Coast Guard Beach,Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Beachwalker Park,Kiawah Island, South Carolina
Did you know?
10 Things to do when your bored at work
- Improve Your Skills
Whatever job you work in, it’s likely that you can brush up your skills. Many offices have textbooks and manuals relating to the job that you can read.
If you can’t directly improve your work skills, how about learning the ins-and-outs of Microsoft Word, or Powerpoint, or your email program? Having a strong grasp of the computer software you use daily can help save you a surprising time and make you more productive. - Help Someone Else
While you’re sitting twiddling your thumbs because you have nothing to do, chances are that someone else in the office is running around like a headless chicken, wondering how on earth they’re going to get everything done.
Spotted someone quietly panicking about their workload? Go over and ask if there’s anything you can help with – maybe photocopying some documents for them, organizing a mail-out, or even just running out to the store to get them a sandwich at lunch time.
Do it because you’re a nice person, not just because you’re hoping they’ll return the favor some day! - Ask Your Manager For More Work
If you regularly have too little work, or if it’s all so unchallenging that you can whiz through it on a Monday morning despite your hangover, then talk to your line manager or boss.
Try not to give the impression that you’ve been sitting around doing nothing for weeks (oddly, bosses react badly to this), but mention that you’ve found the workload a little lighter than usual. If you know about any upcoming projects that you could get involved with, try suggesting this. It could be a great chance to make progress towards the next level in your career. - Ask To Cut Your Working Hours
Depending on how much you like your job, and how much of your salary you need, another option is to ask to cut down the hours which you work.
For example, you might want to do a four-day week (and cut your pay to 80% of its current level). This could give you time to write a novel, start a new business, or simply readdress your work life balance.
If you do go down this route, ask if you can do it for a month on a trial basis. That way, if either you or your boss feels it isn’t working out, it’s easy to go back to the old arrangement. - Keep An “Odd Jobs” List
There are always little jobs that need doing which, for one reason or another, we keep putting off. These might be dull, low-priority, fiddly tasks. Sometimes, they’ll only take 15 or 20 minutes each.
Keep a running list of all these small, non-urgent tasks, and when you end up with downtime at work, challenge yourself to tick off as many as possible. It’ll keep you from getting bored, and often getting these jobs off your mind can make you feel a lot less stressed or frustrated about work. - Tidy Your Desk
One task that most of us put off is tidying our desk. When you don’t have much to do at work, take the time to clear all those stacks of paper and file them properly. Chuck away any junk that’s accumulated in your desk drawers. Replenish your stationary supplies, if necessary.
Working in a tidy environment where you can easily lay hands on everything you need will do wonders for your stress levels and state of mind. Keeping your desk clean and tidy also suggests that you’re an organized, efficient person – definitely a good message to send to your boss! - Socialize With Colleagues
A quiet day at work is a good chance to socialize with colleagues. This can help you in your career (people are more likely to support and help those who they’re friendly with and who they feel warm towards). It can also help you to enjoy your job – wouldn’t you rather work in an office where the people around you are friends, rather than strangers?
Even if you feel you have little in common with your colleagues, you might find surprising points of connection. Take the time to go for lunch with someone, or just to ask the person sitting next to you how their day’s been. Please Note: Use some tact with this one. You don't want to become the office gossip or someone that prevents others from getting their work done!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What's Wrong With A Threesome?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Public Service Announcement ... FAT is the new black.

However there is a new "style", lets call it, that I find very troubling. FAT!
Now before you go trying to find out exactly who, "That Guy" is, so you can give him a piece of your mind on how insensitive and superficial he is, hear me out.
Being FAT is not healthy! While it's only natural to carry a few extra pounds, don't get lazy or complacent. There are numerous health risks you expose yourself to be being overweight; including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Most importantly it's not CUTE!
I am happy to report that despite this trend, the local gym is a buzz with people trying to "get right for summer".
This has been a Public Service Announcement brought to you by Two Grasshoppers.
Have you seen the new Olympic Torch?

VANCOUVER–All hail – or inhale – the 2010 Olympic Torch.
Composed of stainless steel, aluminum and sheet moulding, the torch was designed to evoke snow, ice, skiing and skating, but to many, the metre-long white torch looks suspiciously like a marijuana joint, especially when lit.
But the torch's resemblance to British Columbia's biggest cash crop was evident right away to Jodie Emery, editor of Cannabis Culture magazine.
"I'm sure the organizers didn't intend for it to look like a joint, but that's what a lot of people are seeing."
At the 1998 Games in Nagano, Japan, Whistler skier Ross Rebagliati won, then lost, the gold medal in snowboarding after testing positive for marijuana. The medal was returned after Rebagliati explained he had inhaled second-hand smoke. And Olympic swimming sensation Michael Phelps was photographed in February smoking pot from a bong.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Honourable Mention: White Black Actors!!
China's Sex Amusement Park Torn Down?

A sex theme park in southwest China that featured giant genitals and a sex-technique workshop has been torn down after officials said it had an "evil influence" on society, state media said.
"Love Land" was due to open in Chongqing municipality ahead of China's national day on October 1, but it was ordered to close following an investigation by local authorities, the Global Times reported.
Besides displays on sex history and techniques, the park boasted a giant rotating statue of the lower portion of a nearly naked woman bent over at the waist.
The Global Times published a photo of workers in the Nan'an district of Chongqing pulling down the statue from a podium covered in flowers.
"The investigation determined the park's content was vulgar and that it was neither healthy nor educational," an official was quoted as saying."
"It had an evil influence on society and had to be torn down immediately."
Now I am not the biggest expert or historian, but a sex park in China it is about time. I mean they have the largest population in the world and a limit on how many children you may have per family. That would only indicate one thing...somebody's fuckin!!! So this park having an evil influence on society would not make any sense. With or without this park the Chinese are a very sexual culture. It doesn't take a park to realize that.