Having a good memory has more to do with your
strategy than it does your mental capacity. People
who have great memories follow a strategic process -
a visual strategy.
Try these three tips to start using a visual strategy.
Access your visual cues.
Looking up and to the left helps to access your visual
memory. This includes pictures, images, movies, etc.
that have flashed on your mind from the past. The next
time you lose something, look up and to the left and think
about the last place you saw it.
When someone is speaking to you, start to create pictures
and images in your mind. As they tell you their story, build
a movie in your mind. The more pictures, the easier it
will be to remember. As they say, "A picture is worth a
thousand words."
Practice Changing your physiology.
When speaking to people, keep your head up and shoulders
back. This makes it easier to look up and make pictures.
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