Oh no it's NOT... Effective immediately the D!c& will no longer be given for free!
I know some of you just backed up from your computer screen, not believing what you just read.
But hear me out.
Ladies! For too many years men have been paying for the love, affection, companionship and physical activity with you; both directly and indirectly. Prostitution is something to which I don’t subscribe so let’s just stick to the indirect forms. Whether a man buys a lady gifts or flowers or lingerie, pays her rent, car payment, or simply gives her some pocket money, this is all done with the ultimate reward to be coitus, sexual intercourse, bang bang, bonking or whatever you want to call it. Some of you fool hardy ladies are saying … “Nooo, that’s not true about my man”, no honey your man too, especially him, because you probably have him convinced just like you have yourself convinced that you don’t do that.
Men! STOP IT, cut it out, give it up … it’s not worth it. For every girl who convinces you, you need to pay or buy them things, there’s a girl who will give it up for free! More than that, why are you giving the dick away for free if pussy cost money. Should be a dollar for a dollar, kiss for a kiss, stick for a stick … you get my drift? In any physical transaction, no one person benefits more from the exchange then the other (let’s not get into the situation where you didn’t get yours and he did or vice versa), let’s assume a perfect world. So why are we paying and they are not? The dick is just as valuable a commodity as any other sex organ possessed by woman. Ignore the fact that there are fewer woman in the world then men and they could move onto the next money rich, love dumb guy, think of yourself as a prize and the dick as the trophy.
But hear me out.
Ladies! For too many years men have been paying for the love, affection, companionship and physical activity with you; both directly and indirectly. Prostitution is something to which I don’t subscribe so let’s just stick to the indirect forms. Whether a man buys a lady gifts or flowers or lingerie, pays her rent, car payment, or simply gives her some pocket money, this is all done with the ultimate reward to be coitus, sexual intercourse, bang bang, bonking or whatever you want to call it. Some of you fool hardy ladies are saying … “Nooo, that’s not true about my man”, no honey your man too, especially him, because you probably have him convinced just like you have yourself convinced that you don’t do that.
Men! STOP IT, cut it out, give it up … it’s not worth it. For every girl who convinces you, you need to pay or buy them things, there’s a girl who will give it up for free! More than that, why are you giving the dick away for free if pussy cost money. Should be a dollar for a dollar, kiss for a kiss, stick for a stick … you get my drift? In any physical transaction, no one person benefits more from the exchange then the other (let’s not get into the situation where you didn’t get yours and he did or vice versa), let’s assume a perfect world. So why are we paying and they are not? The dick is just as valuable a commodity as any other sex organ possessed by woman. Ignore the fact that there are fewer woman in the world then men and they could move onto the next money rich, love dumb guy, think of yourself as a prize and the dick as the trophy.
Stop paying for pussy and giving the dick away for free!
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by That Guy and twograsshoppers.
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by That Guy and twograsshoppers.
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