Hi Everyone,
It's me again Sean "Salty" Sax the one and only most notorious glorious asshole. I just wanted to shed a little bit of light on this annoying issue that seems to keep coming up among many close friends of mine.
First of all invading your partners privacy is immoral and just down right wrong. If you do not trust this person enough to not look through their call logs or emails than why don't you move on? I mean really who are you the police?
Second of all, for all you guys out there who are thinking " I love my girl enough to not look through her phone and then do it anyway" I will simply put it in words that you can understand
I am not a relationship expert but I know based on experience that this will not last and is usually the gateway to stalking your partner when they are at home, work or out with their friends.
If this has happened or happening to you, I suggest sitting your partner down and communicating your disapproval with their sneaky behavior. If this continues than I suggest two things; taking your phone, blackberry, desktop or laptop with you wherever you go (and I do mean everywhere) or leave them QUICKLY AND QUIETLY~ Let them go through some other idiots stuff.
Now this is something that I have done before in the past due to my own foolish suspicion. What I failed to realize was that the more I did this, the more I made myself look like I was the one who was cheating. You see there is this theory that says when you are constantly wondering what your partner is doing, where they are going or who they are doing it with it makes you look suspicious and also like a jealous female (sorry ladies).
So for the 2009 please stop going through each others phones or computers because if you do you might as well kiss your relationship goodbye. Well unless your partner is an idiot and feels that he or she may have to settle for you dumbass...
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