Forbes recently put out their celebrity 100 list,
which revealed, suprise suprise, that Beyonce
makes more than her husband, Jay-Z. Both are
very successful hard working entertainers, however,
the question remains, is it ok for her to make more
than he does?
For many years, males have dominated the family
structure by being the breadwinners, while the women
of the house remained the nurturers. With movements
for equal rights amongst the sexes, this has come to
change drastically. Women are the ones predominantly
investing in a post secondary education and settling in
fulfilling careers. Now, with this being said, it shouldn't
come as a surprise that a woman may now be making
more than her man does.
At first glance, one might think "well, she has to be more
successful than he is." But what is the measure of success?
You can't rely on simple monetary figures to come to these
assumptions. Realistically, you will not be making the
same amount that your partner does but here are some
ways of dealing with it.
1. Instead of making your partner feel inferior for not making
as much as you do, encourage him or her to want more for
themselves (of course this will only work if they want this
for themselves too). Learn from each others experiences and
push one another to be the best that you both can be.
2. Forget the idea surrounding males as the breadwinner.
This will only lead you into believing ideas such as the following;
males should pay for everything or they're worthless because
they don't make enough.
3. Learn more about each others jobs. This will help you to
appreciate each others hard working efforts. Just because your
partner makes less doesn't mean that their job is any less
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