Perez Hilton is 2 for 2 this week. After getting socked
in the eye by Will I Am this past weekend, he had the
nerve to start cracking jokes about Michael Jackson's
illness. The posting which has been taken off his blog
"We knew something like this would happen!! Michael
Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills
home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday
afternoon!! Supposedly, the singer went into cardiac
arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!! His
mother is even on the way to visit him!!! We are dubious!!
Jacko pulled a similar stunt when he was getting ready for
his big HBO special in '95 when he "collapsed" at rehearsal!
He was dragging his heels on that just like his upcoming 50
date London residency at the 02 Arena, of which he already
postponed the first few dates!!! Either he's lying or making
himself sick, but we're curious to see if he's able to go on!!!
Get you money back, ticket holders!!!!"
This guy is a straight a**hole who is clearly unhappy with
his fat, sloppy image. He gets his pleasure out of making fun
of other people. I don't know who granted him to be the God
of all things. Has he taken a look in the mirror lately?Michael
Jackson was one of the greatest musical legends that ever lived.
He influenced more lives than Perez ever will and for that, you
would think that he would get the respect that he deserves. As
for Perez, what goes around comes around, so you can "Eat a fat
dick and choke on it, BIATCH!"
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