Position of Power
It’s interesting to see how schools, business and workplaces seem to use monitoring and policing of their students, employees and customers as the best way to run their organization. Interesting because past studies, even personal experiences show that often the more freedom and trust you give your employees, students, or children for that matter, the more comfortable and controlled they tend to be. There is no proof that a longer leash means that they will necessarily roam further out of the confines of the yard; they may test the limits of the leash to see how far it can stretch, but once that challenge or curiosity has been met, they are more than likely going to remain within the confines of their space.
Not only do they know this area and feel comfortable in it, they are respectful of you as their parent, employer or teacher. Most subordinates do not feel compelled or obligated to be contrary or difficult, but rather compliant.
What’s the point of this post? For anyone who is in a leadership role or position of power to stop and think about your regulatory, iron fist yielding, dictator like tactics before administering them. Question if there is a value or purpose behind this control or assertion of power, or is it just that asserting that “You’re the Boss.”
Trust me … if you’re the boss and they’re the employee, teacher and student or dominant and submissive, both parties are aware of their role. They have the option to comply or assert themselves as a leader or person who deserves a position of power.
That being said … either assert yourself and blaze your own trail or fall back into the heard with the rest of sheep and follow the Sheppard. However, keep this in mind it takes years of following to become a great leader. All leaders were once followers so don't be too proud to follow because eventually some day you will lead too.
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