The world of dating is a crazy one, take it from me ... as I've been doing it for the last year and a half after ending a long term relationship.
It does have its perks, don't get me wrong:
-always something new
-many memorable stories
-meet a lot of different people
-learn alot about the opposite sex
-reason to go out and have fun
but like anything, the perks have their own share of drawbacks:
-meet some "interesting"people
-it's an expensive past time
-learn a lot about the opposite sex
-uncomfortable night out
People often ask me, would I rather be single or in a relationship? ... and my answer has changed from a few years ago up until now. Asked that same question 5yrs ago, I would never dream of wanting to be in a "long-term" relationship for "fear" of all the things it stood for. But now? Like having a permanent full-time job, it's good to know where your next meal is coming from, so to speak.
Especially given the current state of the dating scene, where diseases run rampant, cubic zirconia girls are the norm and monogamy is a notion or idea more than a practice.
My advice to you single daters out there, is advice that I follow myself; you only have one life and one peice of artillery so protect it, care for it and treat it well.
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