Friday, July 31, 2009

Shakira New Video: Daaaaaawwwwwwmmmmm

Airport lessons and observations.

  1. A box - a box is not a piece of luggage (stop packing boxes with your belonging, spending a roll of packing tape and writing your address all over it, please)
  2. Jokes - if you must make an inappropriate airplane, airport joke, do so quietly (no one wants to be tackled to the ground "COPS" style infront of a group of your peers)
  3. Packing - if travelling on a vacation, continually remind yourself of that, don't pack as though anything you leave behind will be stolen (higher possibility of your luggage being "lost" or "misplaced" on the plane then you might realize)
  4. Carry-on - the object of this is to have anything close and with you while the plan that you may need during the trip (book, ipod, laptop, gum) .... NOT (knife, boxcutter, perfume, hair clippers, kithcen sink), because then you ask me to help you put it in and out of the overhead compartment
  5. Heavy luggage - how do you know your luggage is too heavy? WHEN YOU CANT CARRY IT! If you need to ask someone to lift, drag, carry, or kick your bag for you, its too heavy.

I could go on all day ... but alas I digress. When travelling be smart, think about what is necessary for you trip. Remember the point or at least one of the reasons of travel, to see something different to live as the people of that land live. "When in Rome do as the Romans do", don't go to Rome with your deep fryer packed in your luggage and boxes of KD in your carry on, so you can eat all the same things you eat at home.

The Airport...

I love going to the airport it's place where there is always so much going on. Even in the down time or quiet hours, people are still coming and going.

If you take a moment to give it some thought you could be the first person someone sees on their arrival to the country, or the last person they see before moving away from here for good. Interesting right? ... I know.

It also serves as a central meeting place, where people from all of the cities and neighbouring towns commence their individual journeys. You see beautiful people, young and old also some less than eye candy, but most of all you see alot of people.

I used to think working at the airport was the coolest job, not ever, but pretty darn cool. As I said you get to meet all sort of people, see people who are for the most part in good mood if their travelling for vacation, but also those who are travelling on less than positive circumstances or for work (wait that's the same thing).

However you do also see some funny ass shit!

Bold N Tha Beautiful

Caribana 2009: Check Off List

Hey Y'all,

Over the years, I have enjoyed the music, the people and the food. Caribana has to be one of my most favourite times in the city. It is a time for everyone to put all their stress aside and party as hard as possible before reality kicks you in the ass after the alcohol and weekend excitement wear off.

From going to the parade for 22 years now I think that it is time to give some of our less experienced participants to make sure they are prepared, safe and aware of some important necessities that you need to have with you at all times this weekend (especially on the road this during the parade)

  • Water- Keep hydrated it is important
  • Towel or Face cloth- Gotta wipe the sweat off
  • Vaseline- For your lips gotta keep them moistened
  • Condoms- Practice Safe Sex STD's are at an all time high
  • Lighter- If you smoke
  • Energy Drinks- Gotta keep yourself up and about
  • Camera- Document everything and everyone you encounter
  • Cell Phone- In case of emergency or to network
  • Money- Makes the world go round
  • I.D- Never leave home without it
  • Change of Clothes in the Car- In case you spill food or drinks on yourself
  • Food- Gotta feed yourself first before anything else
  • Hand Sanitizer- Cleanliness is next to Godliness
  • A Pen-In case your phone is dead take it back to the late 90's
  • A Piece of Paper- What else are you gonna write his/her number on?
  • Baseball Bat or Knife- It's Caribana don't act surprised. (Always be prepared)

All YUH ReAdY?

As we get older and take on more responsibilities, I notice
that the anticipation of Caribana is not what is used to be.
At most, I'm looking forward to playing mas and spending
time with family and friends. I remember years back when I'd
be planning my Caribana outfit from January and getting
my party tickets lined up in advance! That is not the case
anymore. I found that as Caribana approached this year,
there where so many doubts in my mind. What if it's cold
on the day of the parade? What days should I go out? Will
I have to work on Monday? Nevertheless, I won't
let all of those obstacles stop me from enjoying myself. I
will be at GLOW tonight and on de road tomorrow with
the Toronto Revellers. So, to all of our readers participating
in the Caribana festivities, we hope you have a safe and
enjoyable weekend.
AND remember ladies and gents, quality not quantity.

All-Star Edition: Lebron & Savannah vs. Kobe & Vanessa vs. Carmelo & Lala

They all have kids and have been together for years so I
ask, "which celebrity basketball couple do you prefer?"

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Great Way To Get Telemarketers Off Your Phone!!

Tired of dealing with Telemarketers.... try this strategy.

Now this is absolute genius. I was surfing the net earlier today at work and I stumbled upon this video which made me laugh. Enjoy!!!!!

No Elephant Man

If you've already bought your tickets for Sunday Nights
Celebrity Ball at Circa, you'll be surprised to find out that
Elephant Man is no longer on the bill.


The Nightclub announced that they don't agree with his
homophobic lyrics. So, if you were looking forward to
Elephant Man's performance, you're out of luck. So far,
the other celebrities listed on the flyer (Fabolous and
Trey Songz) will still be in attendance.

The whole ordeal sounds a little fishy to me. Elephant
Man has been out for years; we all know what his
lyrics are about. And secondly, a representative from
Solid Agency (which is Elephant Man's management
company) said that he was never booked for this
Toronto event in the first place and Circa is answering
calls from the media. Makes you go hmmmm. But what
can you do. Non-refundable tickets have already been
bought. Just hope the party turns out to be a success
despite the promoters lack of authenticity.

Just Dinner... and the tip.

I love me some come as you are, no strings attached, no cuddling, call me when you get home, how come you didn't call me when you got home, smiles and laughter, kiss on the cheek goodnight, dinner with a friend.

While everyone eats and most people enjoy food and our societal views about food have changed, in many circles a love for or obsession with food is frowned upon. I got to plead George Costanza on this one, "Was that wrong, really? ... If I had any idea that sort of thing was frowned upon". Because I can't even lie, I love food, when there is none around I've gotten used to making due, but when at a buffet or have a craving you better believe, I'll walk up to the buffet, leave home in the middle of the night for a bite, or leave one restaurant and stop at a dessert spot on the way home for another meal.

I've been known to have two dinners in the same night! I know I may have a problem. But as I said before, when there is limited food, I don't beg, borrow or steal, I wait it out. That's human nature though right, when you're at a buffet you'll eat and eat, get plate after plate leaving half eaten chicken wings and slices of pizza, but when you're home and their nothing much around you'll eat every morsel of meat and grissle off that same chicken bone and even eat the pizza crust.

The lesson that I like many others need to learn that ANYTHING in excess, even sex ... I mean FOOD, is not good, always practice and learn moderation. There is always another day and time, but if you're of the belief that you should live every day like it's your last ... then EAT UP!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Real Reason Tupac and Biggie Died?

Cassidy: Sex Tips 101 (Must See!!!)

Usain Bolt Does It Again!

Caribana 2009: Toronto Summer at it's best

Well ladies and gentleman its that time of year again. Where the ladies dress less and the fellas hit the gym with hopes of impressing these ladies on the parade route.

Over the years, I have invested tons of money on alcohol, marijuana, clothes and club tickets. I was caught up in the hype of trying to be "cool" and be "seen" by all the socialites around the city and from out of town.

With all the Americans boastfully walking around in their XXXL white T's, Cargo Shorts and White Air Forces it is almost impossible to not get caught up in the Caribana utopia.

As quick as it comes, is as quick as it goes? Then when the weekend is over and its time to go back to work, it hits you and you are left with empty pockets, a high credit card bill and the cold breeze of fall hitting the back of your neck.

I chose to be conservative and do what I can and enjoy being around family, friends and loved ones. I will leave the expensive club scene to the Americans, teenagers who are finally legal and young adults ranging in the age bracket of 19-25 or with a 19-25 mentality.

Cheers and everyone have a safe and positive Caribana,


Cheaters ...

No ... not the lame late night show about people getting caught on video stepping out on their mates, but close.

It seems as though infidelity and "cheating" is not only becoming more popular but also more widely accepted as just part of life and relationships.

The more people I talk to and more conversations I have with friends male and female, it's beginning to come very evident that relationships whether marriage or boyfriend/girlfriend unions, are not as cherished and honoured as in the past. I have approached many married woman (unknowingly), who don't hesitate to let me know their involved but only as they pass over it in their bio along with other bullets in their life like "I live in a condo and ride my bike to work". So while I'm bothered, no disgusted ... actually not really more turned off and a little flattered that they are "interested" in talking to me besides their "predicament", it's not right!

As a strong believer in the matrimonial bond, love, commitment and karma, I will not mess with a married lady, not a separated lady, not a soon to be divorced lady. ONLY a single lady! There's too many a jealous man and quite frankly I don't blame them, I might be liable to do something stupid if someone were to mess with my family also. More simply put, karma would come hunting for the man that breaks up a marriage or "happy home".

All that being said, if I see an attractive girl I'm going to look, stare, shit I might even talk to her, if the mood strikes me ... but if I see that ring on the finger, or in her back pocket (ladies take off their rings dudes .. so beware), the conversation will only be that... conversation.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Star and Bucwild: Nas and Kelis Bad Breakup

What's with the Homo Thugs?

Summer Recommendation: Do What You Love The Money Will Follow

I'm currently reading "Do What You Love and the
Money Will Follow" by Marsha Sinetar. It's a great read
if you're trying to find a source of positivity that will help
you to achieve your goals, no matter what they are. She
analyzes underlying factors of negativity, while providing
readers with uplifting stories of success and self-empowerment.
I'm enjoying this book so much that I don't want to finish
reading it. Every time I pick it up to read a few pages, I
instantly feel motivated. Now, that it what a good book
is supposed to do for you!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Where is summer?

After looking outside and sighing for the tenth time today (not to mention this month) I have came to the conclusion that we are not having summers in Toronto anymore just spring.

I don't know what else to do. I mean I wake up in the morning and check CP24 one of my most favourite channels and the weather forecast is a question mark. The meteorologists are confused and the Sun has metaphorically been riding the pine for the last two summers. Winter is like LeBron James or Kobe Bryant on a shooting streak (here to stay).

Hopefully we can get atleast a few weeks of summer like we used to. I don't know man i guess vacations are in order......

Friday, July 24, 2009

Star and Bucwild: This Guy is a total asshole

Warning: This is funny for only those who have a skewed sense of humour.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

30 ROCK: The Best of Liz Lemon

Feel like I'm developing a complex...

Yeah a complex.

Over the last little while ... I don't know a year or so, I feel like I'm only attracting one type, no brand of female. For the life of me I can't figure out why this is. Is it my style of dress, my body type, my hair, shit I really don't know.
For whatever reason, I'm finding this phenomenon quite troubling, (yes it's a phenomenon). Not because I don't like woman, or have anything against this "brand" of woman, but I'm not a slave to any one brand. Just like with clothing, I don't only buy Guess or True Religion or Seven jeans, I buy and wear what I like and looks good on me. So too is my taste in the female "brands".

Like an actor playing the same role over and over *cough* Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Stathom *cough*, I'm being type casted. Friends and family are questioning if this is my new style; before quickly asking themselves thinking in retrospect ... "Remember he used to dress that way back in the day, I guess fashion really does cycle ... *chuckle chuckle*". But, I'm not laughing.

Anyone who knows me knows that I like ALL "brands" of woman, safe for the really eccentric, flamboyant coloured ones, however you may find with a hot pink one if I'm in that kind of mood, after all I'm a Gemini. But, to be told or redirected through the mall to "this store" because this is where I'll find what I'm looking for or more so what's looking for me is tripping me out.

The point of this rant ... I mean post ... I like ALL BRANDS of girls! Gucci, Fendi, BUM equipment, Levis, 725 Originals, Le Chateau .... "I don't discriminate, I love 'em all."

So ladies ... come one come all, I just want to meet you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good luck - Bad luck

$4.4 M lotto winner jailed

Some guys have all the luck.
That's what Barry Shell of Brampton likely thought Monday when he went to pick up his nearly $4.4 million jackpot at Ontario Lottery and Gaming headquarters on Dundas St. W.
But after a smiling Shell, 45, had posed for an OLG photo holding his cheque for $4,377,298, he was arrested outside the building on outstanding criminal charges and taken into police custody.
Instead of escaping to a five-star getaway, he was kept overnight and appeared in a Brampton courtroom yesterday on charges of failing to appear, theft under $5,000 and possession of property obtained by crime.
A warrant for his arrest was issued after Shell failed to show up for a 2003 court date.
In an OLG press release announcing Shell's win, he is quoted as saying: "I went to the store and checked my ticket on the self-serve ticket checker.
"As soon as I saw how much I had won, I grabbed a pen and signed my ticket."
He had bought the winning ticket at a Petro Canada on Kennedy Rd. N. in Brampton.
The OLG press release concludes: "The 45-year-old has no immediate plans for the windfall."

article courtesy of The Toronto Star

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The definition of Multi-tasking

Ontario provincial police say a driver who was pulled over for speeding on the weekend was watching an adult film at the time.

Police say they pulled over the car on Highway 401 near Port Hope, Ont., on Saturday morning and noticed the male driver was watching pornography on a portable DVD player sitting on the passenger seat.

Efe Osemwegie, 32, of Mississauga, Ont., is charged with speeding and operating a motor vehicle with a television visible to the driver.

Sexual Harrassment: Did I do That?

Have you ever been walking down the street, at work on the computer or shopping in the mall
and you get an elderly male leering at you with this disgusting look on their face.

That is fucking disgusting. I mean, I am in my mid twenties and in twenty five years will I be one of those nasty men too. I hope not....

Yucccckkkk makes me wanna slap the next man who does that to either my wife, daughter, cousin, neice or family member. So all you pedophiles beware...or prepare to be bitch slapped like Joe Budden's brother.

Star and Bucwild: What happened to Mase?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Star and Bucwild: Drunk Texting Episode

I have been a victim of drunk texting before and I have also been the suspect too. It is fucking embarrassing.

Looking for Bloggers anyone interested?

* I just thought this would be funny!!!!!

No but seriously, we are currently looking for bloggers who are looking to get their ideas out their or who simply want to contribute to the "Two Grasshoppers" brand.

If you are interested please email us at:

The importance of Goal Setting

In life it is very important to have goals.
We all have goals, that we would like to accomplish, some of them may be grand and others may be smaller.

Interesting enough....

I met a gentleman today, by the name of Ron Craig who is the instructor at the Toronto Media & Film College. He is a very insightful and brilliant man. In five minutes, I learned more about the film industry than I learned in a year. As we sat and spoke about the course(s) I was interested in, Ron spoke to me about the importance of goal setting and how important it is to follow through and accomplish your goal by planning and staying on target.

There is an unwritten formula for accomplishing your goals and I would love to share this with all of you.

1. Have a Dream (Everyone has a dream)
2. Make your Dream a Goal
3. Design a plan to achieve your Goal (be as specific as possible)
3. Follow your plan step by step and be relentless
4. Recognize once you achieved it.
5. Repeat starting at step one

That is the formula. The only thing that seperates people from achieving their goals are the people who actually have one and work towards achieving their goals.

Today's Message: " If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

Mr. Sax

Top Cities for Canadian Singles

I don't know who decided this or how they came up with this list, but take it for what it's worth...
  1. Calgary

  2. Edmonton

  3. Vancouver

  4. Winnipeg

  5. Toronto

  6. Montreal

  7. Saskatoon
I wonder if single people read these lists and think, "Hot Damn, it's time for me to move".

Friday, July 17, 2009

"All Men are Dogs"

Not my words ... but it's interesting that this video are the thoughts of a woman.

Public Service Announcement: Never Give Up

A Japanese Proverb states that if you fall 7 times get back up 8 times.

Never give up!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

10 Powerful Success Strategies

1. Know What Success Is.
Success is defined by what it means to the person in the
middle of it.  In order to create success you must first
define it.  Be very clear about what you want and don't
want for your life.

2.  Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
People who always take the easy option are destined for
mediocrity.  Constantly avoiding the discomfort means
constantly avoiding the lessons and the personal growth,
Pain is a great teacher; not always what we want, but 
sometimes what we need.

3.  Seek to be righteous, not right.
The person who constantly needs to be right will miss out
on much of what life has to teach him and alienate himself
from others.  Arrogance repels, humility attracts.

4.  Seek respect, not popularity.
Our nature is "who we are" and our reputation is who people
think we are.  When the two are synonymous, we're usually
on the right path.

5.  Embrace mess.
Life is messy, unpredictable, unfair, uncertain, lumpy and
bumpy.  While others succumb to the messiness and 
unpredictability of the human experience, make a conscious
choice to be the calm in the chaos.

6.  Don't become your parents.
Or anyone but you for that matter.  The enormity of
conformity is a problem for the wanna-be success story.
Listen to and learn from other people, but think, act and decide
for yourself.

7.  Use more of what you already have.
We all have more than enough talent to become successful.
That voice in your head that is telling you that you don't have
what it takes is called fear, not logic.  Be mindful that the voice 
in your head is rarely a reflection of your potential and mostly 
a manifestation of your insecurity.  Many people fail, not because 
they don't have what it takes, but because they don't use what they 
already have.

8.  Be an innovator, not an imitator.
Sometimes it's a good idea to build your own team rather than
join someone else's.  Don't let fear stand in the way of your 
potential to create, innovate or lead.

9.  Do what most won't.
If you want to achieve what most people won't (happiness, joy,
calm, wealth, optimal health, balance) then don't do what
they do.  Producing different results comes from doing
different things.  Choose to be different.

10.  Be like water.  Powerful.  Gentle.  Adaptable.  Ever-
Be static in a dynamic world.  If you can't adapt, you can't
succeed.  Statues don't succeed, they just get shit on.

Teacher Accidentally Shows Sex Tape To 5th Grade Class

Success Quote: Dr. Joyce Brothers

"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, you have to start thinking of yourself as success."

- Dr. Joyce Brothers -

Today's Great Quotes!

You are the average of the 5 most common people you hang around.

You are either a motor or an anchor.

You are building or destroying.

Knowledge is not power...Applied Knowledge is power there is a difference.

Don't be afraid to be your own person.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Random Video of the day!!!

This video is a great one. I personally enjoy watching the simple editing techniques and the song is a smash hit "She Loves Me" Enjoy

Public Service Announcement: FIT is in!!!

In case you didn't get the memo, being fit is in.

Being a couch potato, smoking, drinking in excess and tucking your belly into your pants is no longer the "in" thing.

If you doubt me take a look around and while you will notice the out of shape people, you'll also notice that gyms, parks, atheletic facilities are busy with people determined and focused on healthy living.

No one is suggesting that we all need to prepare for the Boston marathon or train for the olympics, but we all have things to gain from living a more active, healthy lifestyle and shedding some unwanted pounds, our bodies will thank us and our heart will work a lot easier.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the twograsshoppers.

Random Video of the Day!!!

LL COOL J ... another one of his many classics; describing the queen of his dreams.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's with Cargo Shorts?

Cargo Shorts are in just in case you haven't heard? Since this is a Toronto based company you will see many men this summer of all races wearing these cargo shorts like it is going out of style at 5:00pm. Remember where you heard it first.


Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort and Spa is an excellent choice for friends, couples, family and children to all enjoy. First and foremost it is huge. The main lobby is breathtaking with many chairs, daybeds and couches to sit and relax. Their are 3 a la carte restaurants and tons of great exotic fruits, foods, bevarages and vegetables to keep your stomach satisfied for a long time.

I have had the pleasure of going there with a special somebody and what else can I say it was grrrrrreeeeeaaat like Tony the tiger. We had a breathtaking view and went to the beach everyday. I definitely recommend this to anyone considering going on a vacation to the beautiful island of Jamaica.

Please read the following article for more information:

Ladies If You Wear Sandals Please Do Your Toenails

Here is what we are striving for ladies....

I am tired of seeing women at work, on the TTC, in the mall or parading around the streets of Toronto with chipped toenails or razors for toenails. This is not a good look (Trust Me). Long gone are the days where women have to cover up their bodies as a sign of societal respect, that went out the western world window a long time ago.

Since it is Summer now in the city ladies please if you can't afford to have them done at your local asian nail shop, do them yourself or wear closed toe shoes.

Save me the trouble of gagging or having to spend the rest of my ride on the bus or train looking up at the ceiling and thinking of something to get my mind of your jagged edge toes. I mean please it looks like you open bear bottles with your toe nails for a living.....yuuuccccccckkkk.

Friday, July 10, 2009


They're all the rage, now more than ever.

While the art of tattooing has been practiced for hundreds of years, its seems to have gained in popularity over the last hmm ... 10 years. An art, a passion, a form of expression that was once reserved for the sailors, truckers, badass bikers, and jail inmates, has been embraced and practiced by the housewives, school teachers and anybodies of the world.

This is not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion, because it has forced the world to be more accepting and open minded to looking beyond peoples appearances and to maybe avoid "judging the book" by its cover alone. Especially when you think to yourself, "my grandmother has a tattoo and she's a nice ol' lady". You should then be more open to your daughter's boyfriend T-Bone who has his arms covered and neck adorned with symbols of this ancient Japanese art form. (learn the history here

I used to plan and design the tattoos that I wanted but was never pushed to get any as none of them meant enough to me. When I'm out at parties, the mall, the park, the gym, I see that everyone has a tattoo ... and unlike before when it used to be the other way around, I stand out as my arms, back, neck and face are naked and plain in comparison. Thing is ... I kind of like it! In 10-20 years time, I know that everyone will have a tattoo or 2 or 20 ... and I'll be one of the few elite, clean bodied people out there.

Unless I cave and get my motivation psalm on one wrist and a humble reminder on my other.

Drake - signs to Young Money Records

TO's own, Drake aka Drizzy aka dude in the wheelchair from Degrassi: New Generation ... has reportedly signed with Lil' Wayne's Young Money Records.

Check the story out here...

We at twograsshoppers can definitely respect his grind and appreciate the positive attention he is bringing to our city.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Embrace your inner crazy ... but don't indulge in it.

I have this long standing belief that every girl is crazy and that when searching for a mate, it's about finding one who's "crazy" you can live with.

(Note: I only refer to girls being "crazy" because I'm a male, I'm sure woman refer to men being "crazy as well, as shit they're probably just as bad, if not worst)

That being said, lately I seem to meeting the craziest of the crazies that this planet has to offer. People who have convinced themselves that we're destined to be together for all eternity and are desperately trying to convince me of the same. (Sorry madame, I'm not buying it.) There are others who after a few weeks hanging out occasionally or catching a movie, that this is an admission of love or commitment. I can't help but question how. Then there are others who would like you to pursue them and court them and get the heck out of here. You haven't even presented or established yourself as a catch, but you want me to chase and hunt you like a prized peice of meat or trophy fish? Not going to tell you it's not going to happen, but it's not likely. If you are coming off as high maintenance and we haven't even gone out yet, things are not off to a very good start.

Some of your are thinking, "Well ... it's probably because you lead these girls on and then break their hearts." Let me start by first asking ... "what does that mean?", can an adult of sound mind and body be "lead on" or encouraged to do something they know is wrong or at least not right for them? I don't practice hypnosis or cult like brain-washing practices, I swear but to meet these girls you might call me a liar.

I know some may not like what I've just said, or question what's wrong with what these people are doing, hear me out. I love woman! My ideal woman is the well kept librarian, who once she whips off her glasses and puts her hair up can play football or basketball with me or go from the ballroom to the couch without missing a beat. Someone who despite her beauty and put together appearance, pulls it all off effortlessly.
Maybe this woman of my dreams exists and maybe she does not and I should just settle for the least crazy of the crazies. (And I'll buy that shirt and wear on my first dates.)

Random Video of the Day!!!

Whatever happened to Montell Jordan?!!?

He used to put out some gangsta R&B tunes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Must See movies for every entrepreneur

1. Catch Me If You Can

-Lessons: Act exactly like the person you want to become, Be bold in every situation especially when you lack experience, Stay calm when things dont pan out your way

2. Taken

-Lessons: Never take no for an answer, Maintain 100% focus at all times, Do whatever it takes to get what you want

3. Slumdog Millionaire

-Lessons: Use the resources around you to take you to the next step, Have time to visualize what you desire, Stay hungry for knowledge

4. The Pursuit of Happiness

-When everything seems hopeless, keep persevering, Walk in faith, not in sight, Spend your hours in life wisely

5. Lord of War

-Never go half-hearted instead commit your whole self, Don't be afraid to fail, Fake it until you make it, if you need to

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

45 Life Lessons

1. Life isn't fair,but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it..

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate,resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others.You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret,you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful,beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood... But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Random Video of the Day!!!

Really? A mini-movie? ... or just marketing?

Either way, it's good entertainment.

In the elustrious words of Turtle from HBO's Entourage, "Every rapper acts."

Video of the Day!!!

He's baaaack... the phonetical rapper is back like her never left and going harder than ever.

I've always been a fan and the music he's putting out right now, will make you one too.

Ps. This is the official theme song for 2009!

Monday, July 6, 2009

LOON??? ... Is that really you?

Remember Loon ... used to roll with Diddy, had a flow slower than Mase. Well thats him pictured above.

I'm wondering now if Bad Boy Records and the whole Diddy enterprise is infact a record label and music company or rather a cult, that once its members see the light, they run straight into some form of church or organized religious group.

Next thing you know ... Cassie is going to be a Sunday school teacher at a catholic church.


The "Toronto Factor" ???

According to The Toronto Star, its the "Toronto Factor" that was the final piece that encouraged former Orlando Magic forward to sign with the Toronto Raptors, not the $50+ million that was hurled at him to get him to relocate north of the border.

But, if you think about it the Raptors, should use this marketing tool in all of their contract talks.

The diversity and multi-cultural make up of the city, should be promoted and showcased as it makes this a desirable location for anyone, average joes, music artists, actors/directors and in this case professional athletes.

I just hope it helps the Raptors lure more elite athletes and player to the great north and results in a better team.

Food for thought .... Quotes about Racism

"The conquest of the Earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it."
Author Joseph Conrad, in Heart of Darkness

"Contrary to today's stereotypes, racists do not always chew tobacco and drive pickup trucks with gun racks. They wear silk shirts, treat women as possessions, and talk about human rights at cocktail parties far from communities of people of color. The men in pickup trucks are just as likely to be warm and caring as the high-minded liberals are to be racists."
Wilma Mankiller, U.S. Cherokee Nation tribal leader and activist for women's rights

"I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was meant to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, code books, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks."
Peggy McIntosh, associate director of the Wellesley Centers for Women in Wellesley, Mass.

"You say that by baptism I shall be like you: I am black and you are white, I must have my skin taken off then in order to be like you. "
Olivier LeJeune, Canada's first documented slave, a 10-year old-boy, 1632. From 2005 Toronto Star review of Where Race Does Not Matter: The New Spirit of Modernity by Cecil Foster

"It's possible nowadays to write about Toronto and (not) have any description at all that's vaguely Toronto. You can describe Toronto and not (write) about white people at all; that's the new Toronto, the kind of thing Dionne Brand does so well. She reinvents Bathurst Street."
Austin Clarke, author, in Toronto Star (Feb. 9, 2008)

"Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out."
Pierre Berton, author

"We are encouraged to believe that everything is possible in this country and my own adventure represents for me and for others a spark of hope that I want kept alive for the greatest number."
Michaƫlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, installation speech, 2005

If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk. If a Negro does, it's the whole damn
Negro race.
Bill Cosby, comedian

"The heart never knows the colour of the skin. "
Chief Dan George

Saturday, July 4, 2009


It's one of the few nice days we've had so far in the pseudo summer.

Why are you inside on the computer reading this blog?

While we appreciate the support and dedication. Get your lazy, reclusive, sun-fearing butt outside and enjoy the weather. Very shortly it will be early fall followed my winter.

I just shuttered at the thought and so should you have.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Random Video ofthe Day!!!

I'm not quite sure what the thought process was behind this video but here you go...

Note: This is the same guy who said ... "But slip up and shoot the wrong effin' video and they think they can market you however they decide to", so what's this strike 2???

People always wonder when they're in a relationships ... "If she the one for me?", "Could he be my knight in shinning armour?" or "Will they be there for me through thick in thin?".

We at twograsshoppers have developed a foul proof way to figure this out.

Instead of agonizing or worrying about "the signs" that you've met the man or woman of your dreams, stop, take a step back and wonder to yourself, "Would I go on the reality show The Amazing Race with this person? and How would we do?" (If you've never seen the show then rent, borrow or buy the DVDs and see for yourself what I'm talking about.)

If after a moments thought, the answer comes back "YES!", then this is the person you should be with, because they will undoubtedly hold you down and stick with you through difficult and trying times.

Like any aspect of life in relationships there will be sunny days as well as dark stormy days, times when you'll think to yourself "FML" (ef my life). The difference will be that when life's host hands you $100 and says "make this last you for the next week, while completing these challenges", you'll look to your partner and figure out how to make it happen.