Fashion Trends or Fashion Ends?

TwoGrasshopers has been on this topic for a really long time: Men in Tight Jeans. My colleagues Mr. Sax and That Guy have both written articles adressing the issue but I think it's time that you get a females perspective on it. I recently found pictures from Calvin Klien's Fall 2009 fashion show and was disturbed by what I saw (see picture below). In no way, shape of form is this new form of dress attractive. First it was the tight jeans, then came the keds and now it's florescent tights. WTF is going on? Men, do you not see a problem with this? You are dressing more and more like women every year! What's next, sharing clothes with your girlfriend? Think about this. If you can walk outside and find another female wearing an outfit similar to yours, don't you find that to be a bit strange? Forget what celebrities are wearing. They are dressed by stylists and sponsored by famous designers (like Calvin Klien) in order to fit into the Hollyweird lifestyle (still no excuse). Create your own style and stop following trends. But if you disagree you probably fall into one of two of these categories: your gay and you don't mind the ball hugging pants because you weren't looking to reproduce anyways or because you don't mind wearing purses because your relationship requires you to be the woman in the relationship since HE wears the pants.
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