Have you noticed that the females of Toronto are getting more and more stush as time goes on. I mean I just said "Hi" I did not ask you for your number?
As we all get older I am noticing two things:
1. The quality of guys is getting worse, due to them acting like someone they want to be, instead of who they really are.
2. The quality of women is getting worse, due to these wack ass guys harrassing them with rude or uncalled for remarks.
A message to all you men out there STOOOPPPPPPPP!!!
In case you have not realized, you are not Cam'ron, Barack O'Bama, LeBron James or Jadakiss. You are not Paul Walker, Brad Pitt or Tommy Lee. Just be yourself... and for God's sake please please please don't take it personal when a girl is not interested in you. It usually means that she either A has a boyfriend or B is not interested in talking to every guy she meets on the way to work/school/shopping/church/or especially at the club.
This has been another public service announcement.
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