Warning if you or someone you know has the similar symptoms you may be a infected with this new disease: Bitchassness..... For all you ladies you are lucky, this disease can be only found in weak willed men. So if your brother, boyfriend, friend, cousin, work associate, uncle or anyone else is infected with this disease please refer to the following symptoms:
1. Overly Emotional
2. Lack of Self- Confidence
3. Overly Indecisive
4. Obsessive Compulsive behaviour
5. Unreliable
6. Sensitive ( extremely)
7. Takes Long to Get Ready to Go Out
8. Regularly Needs reassurance
9. No sense of discipline
10. Their Girlfriend or Partner Makes all the decisions
11. Overly Moody
12. Reliant
13. Dependent
14. Obsessed with their image
15. Spastic
16. Always argumentative about the smallest of issues
17. Won't stand up for their Girl if someone is attacking the both of you or just her
These are just some things I thought of on the fly. Stay tuned for pt. 3. Until then
keep hopping Grasshoppers.
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