You'd play games like cars (with the little Hot Wheels and Majorettes), board games, Nintendo, ride you bike aimlessly around the neighbourhood, go to the corner store for 5cent candies, buy ice cream from the Dickie Dee cart, play basketball until your feet were blisters and had salt deposits behind your ears.
Ahhh .. those were the good old days.
You'd play games like imagine ... while you sit on the green box or layed out on the grass and watched the sun set, watched the clouds inch by or cars drive by with the booming system. You had not a care in the world.
I don't know about you but I didn't imagine working my whole life away ... I did however go through the Consumer's catalogue (remember Consumers Distributing) and pickout all the things I wanted to buy and have. How many of you sat there and said ... I want to work a dead end job, where I'm underpaid and under appreciated and barely get paid enough to cover my bills? I know I did.
It's just interesting to look back and remember when you were a kid and you used to complain about school and homework and you parents would tell you ... "school days are the best days of your life", I used to be like .. "yaaa right mum". Damn hindsight really is 20/20. To be a kid again when you're biggest concern is your math test on Friday, or the upcoming track meet or basketball game, semi-formal, asking the pretty girl out to the movie, first boy-girl party, playing spin the bottle for the first time.
I guess the lesson in all of this is to live and enjoy everyday of this life you live and understand and appreciate the fact that every day and year that you're older is a privilege and a gift. Not everyone you knew when you were a kid has made it to the age that you are or is doing as well as you. Don't worry and occupy yourself with what you don't have and what you want, but rather with who you are and what you already have.
Life is what you make it, don't fake it or take it for granted.
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