Remember that movie 'Something New' with Sanaa Lathan
and Simon Baker? Long story short, the movie was about
an African American woman who dealt with the trials and
tribulations of crossing the colour lines and dating outside
of her race. Interracial dating has always been a controversial
area of discussion. In particular, African American women
have found it difficult to explore and date outside of their
race for obvious fads that white men do not measure up
below the waist line or that they like rock music and are
down right corny! These ideas are starting to change now
down right corny! These ideas are starting to change now
based on the experiences that women are having with African
American males. For example, Halle Berry once told the media
that she has tried black men and it never worked out. She is
currently dating Gabriel Aubry and says she couldn't be
happier and will never date a black man again. I was shocked
to hear this but not surprised. I, myself feel that the quality
of black men nowadays has decreased. Now don't get me wrong,
I know some great black men who set the standard for what
a MAN should represent. The rest unfortunately fall into a
the following categories: cheaters, liars and under achievers.
This is really sad to me because I'm not the only individual
who sees things this way. Here is what one woman had to say
who sees things this way. Here is what one woman had to say
on the topic:
"A black man does not protect our beauty. They constantly
try to destroy it. During slavery, black women were
constantly raped and degraded. Instead of stopping the
abuse, the black man continued it."
Now men, I will repeat myself and say that not all of you fall
into this category. So do not get offended and start protesting
against Two Grasshoppers. I'm just showing you what the
opinions of others are so that if you do fall into this category
opinions of others are so that if you do fall into this category
you can become enlightened and make the change for the better.
But I digress. Here are some famous celebrity women who have
dated African American men and have now moved over to the
other side.
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