Men these days are not any different than men of the past. Our formula is simple, feed us, fuck us and leave us alone. Here are some of the various phrases that men us on a regular basis. Ladies pay close attention this may help you in your present or future relationship.
1. What's Wrong?... means What did I do now?
2. No I don't want sex I am tired... you are not turning me on so until you do, goodnight
3. I am hungry...means I was hungry an hour ago and am really hungry now!!
4. I just want to be friends...means I am not attracted enough to you, so let's be friends
5. Where are you?... means why aren't you home yet?
6. I don't care... means stop bothering me, its really not a big deal
7. I am going out tonight..means I wanna have fun and be with my friends don't bother me
8. Why are you so emotional... means why do I put up with your crying all the time?
9. Don't Cry...means you are really ugly when u cry
10. Nice Outfit... means I would love to see you out of that outfit
11. Nice shoes... means I would love to have sex with you, with those on
12. I like your friend she is nice...means I would hit it if she let me
13. WHAT?! … means I heard you the first time .. but dare you to say the same thing again.
14. “Hello? … Umm… let me call you right back” … means don’t expect to hear from me again.
15. “Shit its .. 2:00am already” … means the bootycall is over and I’m out, quickly.
16. I’m sorry means … I hope that’ll make this argument go away.
17. I love you means … now can we go all the way?
18. You awake?...means If your awake I wanna fuck!!!
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