I've noticed that more and more young people are complaining and being "diagnosed" with depression, boredom, high blood pressure and many other stress related illnesses.
How to avoid this or eleviate these types of symptoms? I'm not a doctor so I can't really say, but I can suggest ways that you can better enjoy life and be happier on a daily basis.
While it's easy to sit there on the couch stuffing you face with cookies, cake, ice cream and chips, feeling sorry for yourself; it's harder to get off that same couch take a shower, put on some clean clothes and go out for the day or night, try something different, do something you might not normally do. Although the latter may be a little harder, the potential enjoyment, fun and happiness that you take away should be well worth it!
The reward (meeting someone new, having a good time, fun, happiness) far outweighs the risk (spending money, not having a good time), in my opinion.
When offered a new idea, activity or suggestion that is out of their norm or outside of their box (that they've confined themselves to), most people get fearful and decline.
My challenge to you is to do like Jim Carrey in the movie "Yes Man". Say "yes!", try something new, do something out of the norm, be open to new experiences. What do you have to lose? You'll either enjoy yourself or at least have a story to tell or memory for your life's journal.
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