This weekend a close relative was gunned down by a cowardly person who is still at large. I sat there in awe, anger and disappointment as I thought about all the possible reasons this situation happened and could have been avoided. I look at this situation as something that should not of happened and something that all of us can learn from.
In the golden years 96-2001 We used to party and have a great time. The music was better, the women were sexier and the men knew how to act when it came to partying. If there was a fight, it was usually taken outside where the situation was quickly handled and the party kept on going.
I miss those days... My generation is anyone from 1980 to 1983 we grew up care free, wild and with only one concern making money and laying some really good pipe in some of Toronto's most beautiful women.
Nowaday's the new generation 1985-and onwards are lost in the sauce. They are too busy twittering, facebooking, blackberry messaging and doing any other non-productive internet related bullshit to recognize that they are moving further and further away from human social interaction. What's next virtual sex?
I don't know I am confused I guess. All I can say is that I ask any or everyone who is reading this to pray for our youth. They are a lot more angry, confused, lost and desensitized to the things they see, read or listen to. They are a generation of followers with not too many leaders in their social networks and if they do have leaders they are usually the type that leads in a negative way.
I come from a generation of generosity, loyalty, education, responsibility and most of all smart criminals, one of the things I can not understand or tolerate is a dumb criminal.
The problem is there are too many kids trying to be something they are not and when this happens you are usually going to get your ass kicked, shot, stabbed or publicly humiliated.
My advice to you would be to straighten up and fly right.
Go to school, read a book or learn a trade. Enough with this foolery.
With all that being said....
Let's all take this moment to pray for our young.
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