1. When you are on the subway and people are read over eachother's shoulder
2. Black men dating white girls
3.Black girls dating white men
4.People with bad breath never have gum
5.Dressing like a Nerd is cool now?
7.There is no difference between Women's clothes and Men's clothes
8.Everyone knows they should tell the truth, but don't
9.Women are acting like Men and Men are acting like Women
10.Television sucks
11.Rogers took over everything in Toronto
12.Everyone has a Blackberry now
13.Little kids have cell phones (to call who)
14.Cell phones are now a necessity
15.White girls have ass too
16.Every guy wants to be bigger and wear tighter clothing
17.There is no such thing as after school programming for kids anymore
18.Racism is still prevalent in our society
19.Toronto subways need to be updated
20.People go to weddings to get laid ?
21. If you are over 25 and living at home, and not paying rent you are spoiled ?
22. University is overrated
23. Younger women are the in thing (19-24)
24. Older women are not doing it (25-35)
25. Cougars are doing it (35-45)
26. Everything is getting more expensive, even pussy
27. Most men workout thinking that their body will get them more women
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