Have you ever noticed people with Bad posture? I know I have.
Some people are actually bent over forward looking like they are being pulled down by gravity
or sitting down looking like you can roll a ball down from the back of there neck to the hump
on their back. I am almost close to call them a camel. LOL!
Now I have to admit that I don't have the best posture in the world, but I do try to keep my back
straight and my chest out.
So here comes the challenge for all those people out there who are probably reading this
thinking that " good posture does not make a difference". However, it does make a difference
not only can you breathe better, have more balance, but you will not have back pains or be
subject to tripping over your own feet.
So for one day I challenge you all to try this out. Walk with good posture, sit with good
posture...hell even have sex with good posture it helps....
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