Over the years I have met, spoken, kissed, hugged, stroked, touched, pleasured, pounded and entertained many women. Some were friends, some were confidants, some fuck friends, some were classmates, some were school mates, some were girlfriends, some were wanting to be girlfriends and on and on and on....
Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it) I always seemed to find myself in situations where these females eventually "wanted to know what they are to me?" or my favorite " where is this going?" which often left me disgusted, confused and annoyed with not only them, but myself. It was like I was on a never ending cycle of breaking hearts, letdowns and watching beautiful women cry in an ugly way. It took me years of ruining many women's lives to realize that just because females are predictable enough to manipulate into sexual situations and positions did not give me the right to take advantage of them and abuse their trust like I did. I have been cheated on before and it hurt me real, real bad (well more so my pride).
As time went on, I became disgusted with not only my behavior, but the overall concept of what a female considered a "Girlfriend". I mean let's be serious. What is a girlfriend anyway. Isn't it a female friend to begin with?
Webster's Dictionary defines that word as: a frequent or favorite female companion.
So with that in mind, if a man has two or three frequent or favorite female companion is that wrong?
A lot of women would say Yes....and the real one's would say No it just depends on the situation.
I really don't understand... I guess what I was doing was wrong because these females of favorite female companions did not know about one another and if they did would immediately make me choose. Which is why I decided lie, cheat and manipulate in and out of them so smoothly.
Looking back on my past fast life, I realized the error in my ways and have decided to live a transparent, honest and loyal life. Gone are the days of chasing females and looking for a new mate in my bed. No more late night creeps, no more lying to women and definitely no more double headers ( sex with one girl in the afternoon and another in the evening)
With all that being said, I honestly think that most men cheat simply because women are in abundance and if you had the choice of choosing two beautiful women that most men would marry right now today. Why not have them both. I mean if you are lucky enough for both of them to love you and treat you like a king, who in their right mind would give that up (unless they make you choose)
Moreover, many females are bitter towards this ideology and seem to be upset when their boyfriends cheat on them. They then adopt the male perspective and get greazy having as much sex as possible with as many guys as possible. This is completely understandable, however what these females fail to realize is that these men are liable to get you pregnant and their is nothing worse than a lazy baby daddy.
To all my women out there who love to date black men...... If you are dating a black male you have to understand the history behind them. African men culturally had more than one wife and many concubines. When we were stolen from Africa in the late 1700's-1800's and displaced all over the world we kept that mentality and still live by that free-spirited mentality today, regardless of what society or the media has to say about us.
Not every black man cheats and not every cheating man is a black one. But put it this way, we sure as hell know how to get women and women love us for some reason... so you make the decision. For all my filipinas, white girls, West Indians and latino's you know what I am talking about.
So to wrap up this never ending blog I will now post the Top 10 Reasons why men cheat:
- Because we can
- Men Love Women
- Fear of Commitment
- Lack of Honesty
- Lack of Discipline
- Lack of Self-Esteem and Self Respect
- Immaturity
- Men are insecure
- Jealousy
- Lack of Self-Control
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