Have you noticed that in our modern society nothing is private and everything is public?
Whether we talk about our lives, our bodies, our thoughts, even ourselves, we cannot hold our cards to ourselves without someone taking a peak or flat out asking you what you're holding.
I hope I'm not confusing you in my metaphors, let me give some examples:
Co-worker: "Where have you been?"
You: "Oh I was off sick for a while."
Cw: "Oh really? What'd you have? Were you sick? Did you have surgery? Are you contagious?"
You: "Ummm ... is this an interview?"
When in the back of your mind you can't help but wonder, who the h-e-double hockey sticks this person thinks they are and what gives them the right to know your business let alone ASK.
Not that it's right or I condone it in any way shape or form, but the modern society of facebook, Blackberry messenger, text messaging, email and twitter, people feel that they have a right to you at any time in any situation. The lines between private and public are no longer blurred, they are nearly non-existent. People feel because they are free and open with their information, granting you access to it (although you never asked for it), that this gives them a free pass or the right to you and everything about you.
Another example ...
Co-worker: "I saw you the other day talking to a girl. But we didn't speak."
You: "Yeah. I said hello."
CW: "Oh I know, but you you didn't stop to chat."
"Who was she?Were you on a lunch date?How do you know her?"
You: "Umm... pardon?" (Who are you Barbara Walters, my mother doesn't ask this many questions.)
If you're reading this and nodding along with every line, posing the same questions as I have, then chances are, you are a private person like I am.
On the other hand, if you're questioning this post asking, "So, what's wrong with that?", take a moment to ask yourself if the answers to all these questions you are asking "Are any of your business?" More so, "What are you going to do with all this information?"
Everyone should be entitled to their own privacy, don't assume because you can't stop rambling about your weekend, your new boyfriend, recently contracted STD or bowel problems, that everyone else is the same way, or even cares to hear about it.
Let's take a step back from all the sharing and keep an ace up our sleeves and no I don't want to know what else you have up there.
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