You're in a heated session with a strappingly handsome guy you've been dating for a while. He's kissing and touching all the right spots, making you wetter than an otter's pocket. You start undressing him as you prepare to take some riding lessons. You reveal the crotchless panties and matching bra that you picked out just for this occasion. You can tell by the look on his face that he's just as excited as you are. You wait with anticipation for him to take off his pants. As he unbuckles his belt and his jeans slouch just beneath his waist, you see the defined cuts underneath his stomach. OMG, he is so sexy! You're startled by the slight bit of juice dripping down the left side of your inner thigh and look down to wipe it before it gets any further. You look back up, shocked to see what's in front of you. You suddenly become dryer than the Sahara Desert. You feel violated and cheated as he gawks at your half naked body. You grab for the comforters on the bed as you continue to stare in dismay. He's wearing briefs!
Tried and true.....briefs are a direct turn off. They're not masculine and make men look like stuffed turkeys. One of the worst things a guy can do is perp and pretend to be macho and underneath it all have a secret attachment to tighty whities. Women love to be with strong men. Masculinity separates the men from the boys and honestly, so do briefs. So, fellas the next you're getting dressed remember this phrase, "if it's tight, something's not right."
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