I was talking to a lady friend of mine and she let me in on a little secret about you ladies.
She told me that in a relationship many woman are constantly under the impression they are being cheated on and that's just based off of their own insecurities. She went on to explain that when guys do nice things like buy flowers, surprise them with a gift or take them some place nice, this exacerbates this feeling as they think he is trying to make up for "doing wrong".
If he's being too nice, chances are he's cheating. Really????
I was like "WOW!", but then I thought about it, I wasn't really shocked by what she said, I just thought it was kind of dumb and kind of funny at the same time. If you take a this situation at face value, this suggests one of two things:
- "Men, go out there and cheat." - Why? Because in her eyes you already are. So why not have some of the pleasure to counter the cold shoulder and sexless bed that awaits you at home. Don't feel guilty, because you're just doing what she expects of you.
- "No more Mr. Nice Guy." - You always hear the cliche "nice guys finish last", but it really seems like it's true (in this situation at least). If you are a genuinely nice guy and you do and say nice things, because that's just how you feel, she likely thinks you're a male sex worker outside of your relationship, so ease up on the niceties.
Conversely, you can be patient with your lady and teach her and help her to learn to trust you. This does not mean you calling, texting, bbm-ing, sending smoke signals or Morse coding, giving her the play by play of your life and every move you make when you're not with her. But, instead, being open and honest in your relationship. Some of her insecurities you can help her to overcome, others she will have to work on herself, just be there to support her.
Seeeee..., That Guy has a sensitive side.