Hey It's Me again the Salty One....Mr.Sean Salty Sax.....
I have decided to post this for all my Independent Women out their who have their own living space, own car and make their own money. I like to see a women who has her own and uses more than what God gave her to make it through life's good times and bad times. However, what these Independent women do not tell you is that although they are paying for these things on their own and making their own way in life, their credit is ass backwards and they do not have enough money to take you on a date. I love the fact that women of today are so independent and confident in themselves that in some social circles you may hear the following comments being blurted out....
" I don't need a man to make me happy!"
" That guy is so broke, he couldn't even pay for my dinner, the movie after and the gas to get us there. Plus it was our two week anniversary and since I bought him a gift, he did not offer to buy me anything. "
" I need a man who has a real job"
and blah blah blah blah blah the list goes on.
Well ladies, I am here to speak about some of these concepts, wants, demands, requests, prayers, wishes, threats and suggestions with this article " All My Independent Ladies" .
It is the year 2009 and women of today can afford their own material items. Gone are the days where men pay for their tuition fees, car insurance, clothes, transportation costs, cell phone, credit card bills and any other Western "needs" that the mainstream media has brainwashed them with thinking they need. "We can get it on our own Y'all!!"
Gone are the days where women need you to pay for the movie and dinner and maybe, just maybe they will give you some pussy if they think you deserve it. Gone are the days where, you pay for her hair and nails to get done. Gone are the days where you change the oil on her car and take her to get her windows tinted on her car, plus pay for the tint job because you know why? She is an independent woman.
If that is the cause all you independent women I challenge you in reversing the gender roles and paying for everything on your own ( Yes that does include Daddy's money also he is a male, too sorry!!! No money from Daddy on the low either)
The funniest thing about this entire concept which may be foreign or even offensive to some of you women out there is that they do not let anyone know that their parents pay for half of if not all of their material goods and/or finance all of their independent ventures. I have decided to add a significant example, that alot of women aspire to be like or look up to for her business mind and musical talent.
Beyonce LOL! Yeah I said it B-E-Y-O-N-C-E...
Her Dad was her manager and now her Husband Shawn Carter a.k.a Jay-Z is her manager, independent my ass. She is as independent as long as she keeps making her dad and Jay-Z money. Check Mate~
That is all for now....the blogger you love to hate. Mr. Sean Salty Sax.
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