When you get a new car, you can't help but be impressed by all the new features, the shiny paint job, the bigger rims and plush seats, but at the same time you often can't help but compare it to you old car that you traded in or don't drive anymore.
This is the same way I feel with woman and dating.
While it's fun and exciting to test drive and date new woman, it's also frustrating when you can't find what you're looking for. As you drive home from another soso date, you can't help but think, maybe I should just keep my old chick and work on making her better. Those around you might convince you that newer is better and that there's a reason you've been looking for a new girl and that the old one has let you down for the last time, you can't help but be on the fence about this decision.
Tell you the truth, it's kind of depressing, but I'm not the type of person to sit in the corner and sulk and you shouldn't be either. Which leads me to me next question: What to do? Should I then keep both the old car and buy the new one? This way having the best of both worlds. Drive the old some days and new other days, or see the old after the soso date with the new?
While that does seem like a very good idea and potentially solves any potential problem of being unsatisfied with the deficiencies of the old car, or unimpressed with the computer run robotic feel of the new car. It does not account for the reasons why you wanted to get rid of the old car in the first place, those reasons and concerns still exist. Also, give the world and technology credit there may very well be a better woman with all the features you want and none of the ones you don't, that handles better, feels nicer and fits you just right.
Solution, I'm a keep the old reliable until I find the bright shiny brand new one that fits me right.
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