Tuesday, June 30, 2009

10 Driving Pet Peeves

1. Left- and middle-lane bandits
"Drive Right'' not only means "drive correctly,'' it also means move the heck over. When you're on a multi-lane highway, you should be in the right lane unless you're passing someone. It's efficient, it's safe, it's polite – it's the law.
2. Tailgaters
They're invariably angry, especially towards the slow-poke "idiots'' they're tailgating. Hey – if the driver in front is such an idiot, why would the tailgater want to get that close to them? Guess you can't expect these fools to think that far ahead. Leave yourself at least two seconds between you and the car ahead.
3. Lane-crashers
These people wouldn't barge in to a lineup at a movie theatre or the grocery store check-out counter. Why do they feel no compunction about doing so when a lane on the highway merges to an end? The guys who leave the driving lane and dive into the on-ramp to squeeze by two or three more cars are especially irritating – what makes their timetables so much more important than those of the rest of us?
4. Stealth drivers
These type of drivers are especially annoying – and downright dangerous – in poor weather. These people don't realize that their daytime running lights probably don't turn on the taillights (most cars do not do this automatically: shame on the car companies that do it that way; shame on Transport Canada for not requiring it). Think about it: Especially on highways where the vast majority of our kilometres are driven, it's actually more important to have the rear lights on than the fronts.
A related issue: People who don't realize that ONLY the Daytime Running Lights are on after dark. Again, no taillights.
The solution? Manually switch on all your lights, all the time.
5. Snow-blind drivers
These jerks don't clear all the snow off their car before driving away. This includes the roof – the accumulation can, and usually does, slide down to obscure the rear window. Ditto all lights, front and rear.
6. Greedy parkers
People who take up two parking spaces. I had to park two blocks away. Thanks a lot, you selfish creep.
While we're at it – I wish everyone would learn to back into their parking spots. It is so much safer when they leave.
7. The Idle Masses
Running a car at idle is the worst thing you can do – for the engine (raw gasoline can wash lubricating oil right off the cylinder walls), for your budget (your gas consumption rating is infinitely poor litres per 100 km) and for the environment (how can you justify spewing carbon dioxide into the air when you're not going anywhere?)
Switching off and back on again 30 times a minute – about as fast as it is possible to do – uses less fuel than idling for a minute. Even just a few seconds' idling is a bad idea.
Special places in hell are being reserved for big-rig truck drivers who know better – their engine manufacturers have been telling them not to do this for decades – and for people who have remote starters, the absolute worst accessory you can put on a car. Come on – it's Canada, of course your car will be cold first thing in the morning. Suck it up.
8. The four-wheel luge operators
Winter tires are designed for winter. We are in Canada; we have winter. Figure it out.
All-season tires should be called no-season tires: they're no good in summer (the compound wears quickly in the summer heat), they're no good in winter (the compound isn't grippy enough below 7 C). So far ,Quebec is the only province that mandates winter tires, but we shouldn't need our governments telling us to do the right things.
Oh, the worst thing you can do? Winter tires on the driving wheels, normal tires on the non-driving wheels. This makes the car virtually undriveable.
9. Know-it-alls
Those who have not updated their driving skills at an advanced driving school. You can tell these guys – they're the one in the guardrail in the first snowfall of the season. I've taken (or taught at) one or more advanced driving schools every year for 25 years, and never failed to learn something new every time. Okay, maybe I had more to learn. But most drivers out there have never EVER taken a lesson.
Scary stuff, kids.
10. Impaired drivers
Whether its from drugs, alcohol fatigue or other distractions, like the cellphone or programming a sat-nav system. I left this to last because surely we don't have to harp on this again?
From Jim Kenzie @ The Star

MIA .... Missing In Action

We at twograsshoppers have been hit with illness ... BUT ... WE'RE STILL HERE!!!

We know that we're not the only ones that experience road blocks or speed bumps along the way but that means you all should be able to relate!

If you have any input or ideas for us or suggestions for posts ... don't hesitate to give us your comments.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Perez Hilton Posts: "MJ is Faking!"

Perez Hilton is 2 for 2 this week.  After getting socked
in the eye by Will I Am this past weekend, he had the
nerve to start cracking jokes about Michael Jackson's
illness.  The posting which has been taken off his blog

"We knew something like this would happen!! Michael
Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills
home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday 
afternoon!!  Supposedly, the singer went into cardiac
arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!!  His 
mother is even on the way to visit him!!! We are dubious!!
Jacko pulled a similar stunt when he was getting ready for
his big HBO special in '95 when he "collapsed" at rehearsal!
He was dragging his heels on that just like his upcoming 50 
date London residency at the 02 Arena, of which he already
postponed the first few dates!!!  Either he's lying or making
himself sick, but we're curious to see if he's able to go on!!!
Get you money back, ticket holders!!!!"

This guy is a straight a**hole who is clearly unhappy with
his fat, sloppy image.  He gets his pleasure out of making fun 
of other people.  I don't know who granted him to be the God
of all things.  Has he taken a look in the mirror lately?Michael 
Jackson was one of the greatest musical legends that ever lived.  
He influenced more lives than Perez ever will and for that, you 
would think that he would get the respect that he deserves.  As 
for Perez, what goes around comes around, so you can "Eat a fat 
dick and choke on it, BIATCH!"

Michael Jackson (1958-2009)

Let us take a moment to extend our condolences to the family of Michael Jackson and trust that he's in a better place.

We at twograsshoppers would like to celebrate him, the best way we know how, with one of his best and most memorable videos.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

2009 NBA Draft

If you're a true NBA fan, you'll be tuned in to tonight's NBA draft.

Although there is alot of skepticism about tonight's lottery, it still marks the beginning of new careers along with outlining the direction of many teams for the years to come.

There are also a lot of trades in the days surrounding the draft.

So stay tuned and tune in tonight 7pm on the Score.


LCBO strike was averted after both parties agreed that neither would leave the table until all issues were resolved.

Hmmm ... interesting ... especially after the LCBO had record sales on Tuesday over $60 million.

More interesting that the City of Toronto cannot come to terms with city workers, resulting in maggot and rodent infested bacteria heaps across the city.

Just an observation.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers 2

Prediction: FLOP!!! It's a sequel ... what'd you expect?

Suggestion: Watch at your own risk.

Realization: As you leave the movie theatre this weekend after seeing this movie, thinking to yourself, someeone said this movie was going to be "poop" ... who was that again?


Improve Your Memory

Having a good memory has more to do with your
strategy than it does your mental capacity.  People
who have great memories follow a strategic process -
a visual strategy.

Try these three tips to start using a visual strategy.

Access your visual cues.
Looking up and to the left helps to access your visual
memory.  This includes pictures, images, movies, etc.
that have flashed on your mind from the past.  The next
time you lose something, look up and to the left and think 
about the last place you saw it.

When someone is speaking to you, start to create pictures
and images in your mind.  As they tell you their story, build
a movie in your mind.  The more pictures, the easier it
will be to remember.  As they say, "A picture is worth a
thousand words."

Practice Changing your physiology.
When speaking to people, keep your head up and shoulders
back.  This makes it easier to look up and make pictures.

Snooping Through Your Partners Cellphone and/or Computer Is not Cool?

Hi Everyone,

It's me again Sean "Salty" Sax the one and only most notorious glorious asshole. I just wanted to shed a little bit of light on this annoying issue that seems to keep coming up among many close friends of mine.

First of all invading your partners privacy is immoral and just down right wrong. If you do not trust this person enough to not look through their call logs or emails than why don't you move on? I mean really who are you the police?

Second of all, for all you guys out there who are thinking " I love my girl enough to not look through her phone and then do it anyway" I will simply put it in words that you can understand

I am not a relationship expert but I know based on experience that this will not last and is usually the gateway to stalking your partner when they are at home, work or out with their friends.

If this has happened or happening to you, I suggest sitting your partner down and communicating your disapproval with their sneaky behavior. If this continues than I suggest two things; taking your phone, blackberry, desktop or laptop with you wherever you go (and I do mean everywhere) or leave them QUICKLY AND QUIETLY~ Let them go through some other idiots stuff.

Now this is something that I have done before in the past due to my own foolish suspicion. What I failed to realize was that the more I did this, the more I made myself look like I was the one who was cheating. You see there is this theory that says when you are constantly wondering what your partner is doing, where they are going or who they are doing it with it makes you look suspicious and also like a jealous female (sorry ladies).

So for the 2009 please stop going through each others phones or computers because if you do you might as well kiss your relationship goodbye. Well unless your partner is an idiot and feels that he or she may have to settle for you dumbass...

Jamie Foxx Kisses Halle Berry (Must See)

Communication is the key

Yeah yeah yeah ... communication is the key to every successful relationship, we've heard that before. But, what I most people don't know is that it isn't about how much you say but whether each person grasps the other's perspective.

If your partner is a reluctant talker, you may be unwittingly fueling his reticence. When they states their case, do you launch a counterattack? Criticize their reasoning? Get upset? If so, they may keep quiet for a reason.

The most useful communication technique of all time is deceptively simple, but it works like magic. Next time your partner makes a point, take a moment to digest whatever they are saying. Then say it back to them. Maybe not word for word, but you have to get the gist—and you can't stop trying until your partner agrees you've nailed it. Switch roles and repeat. Once you're not so busy explaining yourself to someone who just doesn't get it, you can look for compromise.
This technique is courtesy of Oprah.com, so I suggest you take it with a grain of salt. But, I'm sure we can all remember a time when you were trying to get someone to understand yourperspective or put themselves in you shoes. Give it a try.

My COMEUP.COM: A Website For The Real Entrepreneurs

From computer programmers like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to Gangster's and Entertainers. This site has informative articles for all to enjoy, learn from and create.

For more information log onto: http://mycomeup.com/web/

Happy Hump Day!

We are referring to the day of the week ... but you can make whatever interpretation you like.

Ps. Don't get caught bonking in your office and blame us.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Guilty Pleasures: Laz Alonso

Who He Is: Laz Alonso; Cuban born & raised in the streets
of Washington D.C.

Profession: Film & Television Actor

Where you may have seen him: You many have seen Laz in 
movies such as Avator, Fast & Furious, Miracle at St. Anna,
Captivity, Stomp the Yard and This Christmas just to name a
few.  He has also made guest appearances on Entourage,
CSI: Miami and Without a Trace.

Why we love him: He's not just a pretty face; he received a
BBA in Marketing from Howard University & worked as an
investment banker on Wall Street for Merill Lynch before 
pursuing his acting career.  And did I mention that he's bilingual 
in English and Spanish.  Aaay Papi!!

Random Video of the day!!!


Coco Austin Cardio Workout!!

I know this may be chauvinistic but..... dawm... Another reason why Ice T is the man.....

Sean Salty Sax

Random Video of the day!!!

How To Deal With Stress?

First, recognize stress:

Stress symptoms include mental, social, and physical manifestations. These include exhaustion, loss of/increased appetite, headaches, crying, sleeplessness, and oversleeping. Escape through alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behavior are often indications. Feelings of alarm, frustration, or apathy may accompany stress.

Stress Management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people, and events make excessive demands. What you can do to manage your stress? What are some strategies?

For more info: http://www.studygs.net/stress.htm

Myths About Marriage

Marriage Myths and Realities

  • MYTH: Loneliness Myth that marriage will end your loneliness.
  • REALITY: Many married people are still very lonely.

  • MYTH: Fulfillment Fallacy which makes you believe that being married makes you complete human beings.
  • REALITY: A couple complements one another, not completes one another.

  • MYTH: Marriage is for everyone.
  • REALITY: There are a lot of unmarried people who are extremely happy.

  • MYTH: Monogamy Myth makes you believe that you are the only couple who is dealing with infidelity or that it only happens to bad or weak people.
  • REALITY: Infidelity happens to many couples.

  • MYTH: Romance will always be alive in a good marriage.
  • REALITY: Nearly all relationships experience peaks and valleys. The everyday problems and challenges of married life can often cloud over romantic feelings. This is when making the decision to love is important.

  • MYTH: Marriage makes people happy.
  • REALITY: You can't expect your spouse to be your one source of happiness. Your personal happiness must come from within yourself. Marriage can complement your own individual happiness but it can't be the primary source.

  • MYTH: You won't have major problems if you truly love one another.
  • REALITY: A good marriage doesn't just happen. It takes nurturing, openness, and commitment.

  • MYTH: My spouse should know my needs without my saying anything.
  • REALITY: Just because you're married doesn't mean you can read minds. You have to tell your spouses what your needs are.

  • MYTH: Conflict means a lack of love.
  • REALITY: Conflict happens in every marriage. Fighting fair and for the relationship, and not just to "win" is healthy in a marriage.

Tools for a Successful Marriage

Your marriage needs love, support, tolerance, communication, realistic expectations, caring, nurturing, and a sense of humor to be successful.

LCBO ... potential strike, so what.

Find it interesting to see how the city's people are acting at the thought of a potential strike by LCBO workers and thus closing of stores.

Everyone's reaction asks the questions, "How could you?" especially in the summer time.

My reaction is "SO WHAT?!".

I've often been quoted as saying ... "it's not that serious", because really in the grand scheme of things, lets not even talk about on the world scale, where a liquor store strike in Ontario doesn't even register on the radar when compared to ongoing terrorist threats, civil wars and suicide bombings. On a local level, the potential fall out from a city workers strike, including rodent infestation and litter throughout city streets and parks, closure of city run daycares and facilities is a much greater and important issue that we as a city should try and resolve.

While I'm genuinely concerned that Maria and Anthony may not have liquor at their reception, or The Jones' bbq will be all lemonade and non-alcoholic beer from Loblaws, I find it more troubling that city workers are able to handcuff the whole city for their own "seemingly" (note: I said seemingly) selfish reasons.

I feel the plight of the worker, because I share in it, but imagine if we all decided to strike when we didn't get a raise, didn't like our management, had our sick days reduced from 100 to 90, didn't have pancakes in the cafeteria on Wednesdays anymore or had to take the stairs up 2 flights. Can you imagine?

Everyone would be outside enjoying the day and warm sunny weather; with or without an alcoholic beverage in hand.

Monday, June 22, 2009

HOOPZ from Flava of Love Sex Tape?

I,m H'd how about you? Hoopz from Flava of Love seems to be bored so now she is taking up amateur porn. Apparently this is from a relationship she had with her ex about 5 or 6 years ago. Funny enough it got leaked on the internet... Hmm someone must of been mad at her. I think she is talented enough, however after seeing this I think she continues to amaze us all time and time again. What's next river dancing?

Denyce Lawton

What more can I say about Ms. Lawton. She is of Korean and African American descent. Born and raised in Washington D.C (where the finest women in the U.S reside) she has been on my radar for a longtime. So Denyce this honorable mention goes out to you girl SALUTE!!!!!

This Week's Forecast


That is all..

Furthermore ...

It doesn't seem like Toronto really has it's own style. We tend to copy the trends from out neighbours and places we visit (New York, Montreal and Europe).

Remember all winter everyone with their "bandito" style scarfs, like they were in the wildwest or patrolling the deserts of Saudi Arabia.

Ultimately people should dress as they feel comfortable, avoid being too trendy (you'll be shopping every few months, as things go out of style rather quickly). If you dress for comfort and buy some "in-style" pieces, your wardrobe will seem endless to people you see out and about, as you're old clothes will still be looking fresh!

One area you should never scrimp is your accessories: watches, shoes and jewellery can tell alot about a person and can dress up a white t and jeans outfit.

What's with the European Cut?


I just wanted to express my distaste with Toronto and their follow fashion ways. In case everyone has not noticed every season their is a new style of dressing particularly for young men. It used to be baggy, then it was Bape influenced and now it is the European cut. Tight pants, tight shirts and no jewelry.

I for one am disgusted with this and hope to see an end to this quickly... before its too late.

What's next ski's and extra medium vests? Is that going to be the new look?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Two Grasshoppers Recommends........

Celebrity Fathers

They're not just celebrities, their fathers too.  Take a look
at a few of these celebrity fathers and their kids.  Check the
originality in the names!!

Mekhi Phifer & Mekhi Jr.

Lebron James & son Lebron Jr.

Ludacris & daughter Karma

Damon Dash & son Damon Jr. 

Nas Says 'Dad's Deserve Love Too'

With Father's Day tomorrow, many individuals are
sharing their thoughts about the most important men
in their lives.  In a blog posted on GlobalGrind.com,
Nas gave fathers their due respect.

Like Chris Rock said... "All we fathers get is a big piece
of chicken -- if we luck" .... Moms get songs by the O'Jays
and everything!!!!  Moms deserve that love, but right 
now I'm shouting out to real dads.

Some great role models with real academic achievements.
Some are not.  Some are no longer alive.  Some fathers
are locked up, but they are praying for their kids and 
hoping to be on the streets soon and be better dads
one day.

We deserve love!!! Becuz we don't even expect it, we do
what we do regardless!  With no signs of a reward for it.
We put up with everything, standing true to what's real and
letting life take its course protecting our household, our
woman, our children, our family.  Protecting and leading
a nation.  Shout out to my pops, a great man!  Blessing to 
our granddads who came b4 us who laid the seeds and the
foundation .... I wish every dad takes a minute to look at
what he's done ... just a minute .... No need to glance too 
long ... Just a smile.

Biggest Shout To My Son On The Way!!  Salute!!  It's a 

Friday, June 19, 2009

If Your Business Disappeared Tomorrow......

If your business disappeared tomorrow, would anyone
miss you?

Scenario One: you disappear and no one notices.  This tells 
you that whatever needs or services your product fulfilled, 
a competitor was able to replace.  What you had to offer
was a commodity, and all commodities can be replaced.

Scenario Two: you close your doors and your customers
can't imagine life without you.  This tells you that no one
else could meet your customers' needs the way you did.
Whatever you had to offer was not a commodity.

With these two scenarios in front of us, the question
remains, what would you be prepared to do to be 
irreplaceable?  We all want to be successful in our 
endeavours, however, when you're selling a commodity
you will always be looking over your shoulders.

So, what can you offer your customers that can't be 
replaced?  A Relationship!

Start by asking yourself these three questions:
1. Who are my customers?
2. What do my customers value my business for?
3. What can you bring to the relationship that will make
them feel like they are truly important when doing 
business with them?

When you've answered the above, this will help you to
paint a picture of your customer, yourself and your
business relationship.  There are many ways that you can
create unique relationships with your clients.  Here
are just a few suggestions:

Treat your customers as individuals with names.

Make your customers feel like they are on the inside by
providing them with tips on the industry.  Let them know
that you are on their side.

Educate.  Keep them informed about new developments 
and key trends affecting the products and services they are 

Show your customers they matter more than their money.

Give your customers something to talk about.
Do something remarkable for your customer.  Nothing over
the top but enough that it makes other talk about you.

Talk with your customers.  There is no substitute for
conversation to build a relationship.  Listen for two things:
anything that gives you more information about who your
customers are, and anything that tells you why they are
with you now.

Sexercise Me

I know the title of this article grabbed a your attention
right away BUT, it's not necessarily what you think.  Exercise 
can be tedious, however, with the right motivation, they
can also be more fulfilling in the long run.  Here are a few
exercises that will help to increase your overall sex life.

Exercise: Cardio 
Purpose: Increase endurance
Reps/time length: Minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum
of 45 minutes
How it helps: Raises stamina and lasting power

Exercise: Pile Squat
Purpose: Strengthens glutes and thighs
Reps: Three sets of twelve - Spread legs a little further than 
shoulder width apart, and point your toes outward.  Hold two
dumbbells downward in between your legs and squat.
How it helps: Enhances missionary position (for females)

Exercise: Roman Dead Lift
Purpose: Tones legs, butt and lower back
Reps: Three sets of ten
How to do it: Stand with your knees shoulder length apart 
with a dumbbell in each hand.  Keep your arms down by 
your thighs.  Lean forward and stick your butt out.  Repeat
How it helps: The core muscles used in sex are your hips, butt 
and legs.  This exercise allows you to be in a position for a 
longer period of time.

Exercise: Medicine ball rotation
Purpose: Tones and strengthens abs
Reps: Three sets of ten
How it helps: When you have stronger abs, you have a 
stronger back.  You want to strengthen that particular
core area because your abs support your lower back.
You lower back is one of the first things to give out when
trying a new position.

Exercise: Touch your toes stretch
Purpose: Stretches your lower hamstrings, butt and 
lower back.
Reps: Three sets of holding for eight counts
How to do it: Sit with your leg stretched out vertically
in front of you and extend your arms towards your toes.
How it helps: A stronger lower back won't give out easily
in unique or contorted position.  You'll be able to more
easily achieve pretzel-like positions.

Fashion Fumble: Lady Gaga

I Love Douglas!!!

There is something about a black and indian mix that drives me wild. Could it be there chocolate skin with a hint of indian spice? Could it be there soft black hair that is bone straight and curly at the ends. I loved douglas so much I even made one. This is a tribute to some famous douglas that are models? I wonder why?

Keep going and never give up!

Today's society is full of people who expect lavish luxuries, nice homes, material items and the best sexual encounters that man (men or women) have to offer, however lacking one major ingredient. Persistence! You got to keep on pushing, persevering, remain disciplined and focused on your goal. I know most people want these things without working for them, however expect them from other people based on our Western upbringing.

For all those people who are ungrateful, selfish, materialistic and greedy I have four strong words for you " Wake The Fuck Up!!!!!!!" People only get their goals accomplished by first having goals.
Designing a plan to accomplish these goals and then working towards these goals. If you do or do not accomplish these goals there is no one to blame but yourself and only yourself. So to pick up where Aspiring Aries left off. Believe in yourself, never give up and keep focused on your goals.

Life is hard. There are no handouts and no one is going to walk up to you and give you a duffle bag full of hundreds. Even if they did, you would still have to have the aptitude to stay wealthy and not squander your money on sex, drugs, alcohol and materialistic items.

It is has been once said that it is worse to have a friend who has sight and cannot see, than to have a blind friend who can see. Think about it....

Public Service Announcement!!!

Oh no it's NOT... Effective immediately the D!c& will no longer be given for free!

I know some of you just backed up from your computer screen, not believing what you just read.
But hear me out.

Ladies! For too many years men have been paying for the love, affection, companionship and physical activity with you; both directly and indirectly. Prostitution is something to which I don’t subscribe so let’s just stick to the indirect forms. Whether a man buys a lady gifts or flowers or lingerie, pays her rent, car payment, or simply gives her some pocket money, this is all done with the ultimate reward to be coitus, sexual intercourse, bang bang, bonking or whatever you want to call it. Some of you fool hardy ladies are saying … “Nooo, that’s not true about my man”, no honey your man too, especially him, because you probably have him convinced just like you have yourself convinced that you don’t do that.

Men! STOP IT, cut it out, give it up … it’s not worth it. For every girl who convinces you, you need to pay or buy them things, there’s a girl who will give it up for free! More than that, why are you giving the dick away for free if pussy cost money. Should be a dollar for a dollar, kiss for a kiss, stick for a stick … you get my drift? In any physical transaction, no one person benefits more from the exchange then the other (let’s not get into the situation where you didn’t get yours and he did or vice versa), let’s assume a perfect world. So why are we paying and they are not? The dick is just as valuable a commodity as any other sex organ possessed by woman. Ignore the fact that there are fewer woman in the world then men and they could move onto the next money rich, love dumb guy, think of yourself as a prize and the dick as the trophy.

Stop paying for pussy and giving the dick away for free!

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by That Guy and twograsshoppers.

Believe in Yourself

There may be days when you get up in the morning and
things aren't the way you had hoped they would be.

That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get
better.  There are times when people disappoint you and
let you down.

But those are the times when you must remind yourself to
trust your own judgments and opinions, to keep your life
focused on believing in yourself.

There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your
life, and it is up to you to accept them.

Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for
you.  It may not be easy at times, but in those times of 
struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are.

So when the days are filled with frustration and unexpected
responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself and all 
you want your life to be.

Keep believing in yourself!

R.I.P to Jamal Lewis born January 26th,1987 died January 24th,2005

Sean Salty Sax

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Hangover

Go See it point blank...period.

Movie Review

Go see it ...

The End.