Monday, August 31, 2009

Spike Lee - Michael Jackson birthday tribute

This weekend, Spike Lee hosted a FREE tribute concert in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York.

The event was very well attended, with many people of various ages and cultural backgrounds, all enjoying the music of this legendary performer.

The fact that the event was free, ensured that not only the rich or fortunate would attend this event, but opened it to anyone who wished to attend.

Music was the theme from beginning to end, the togetherness, world and self-improvement message of much of MJ's music was felt throughout the park.

All people big and small, short and tall were singing, dancing, moving to and duplicating the dance moves from his many memorable music videos. It was evident how many people were touched, influenced and motivated by his music and his message.

Happy Birthday Michael!

Stay tuned for our pics from the event.

Jermaine Dupri: Goes In...Tribute to Michael Jackson

Friday, August 28, 2009

What's Your Fantasy?

If you've been keeping up with the blog, you would have noticed
the post that made about the top 10 male fantasies. One of the
fantasies listed just happened to be having both a mother and
daughter. Here are some hot celebrity mother/daughter
combinations to fantasize about fellas. Hope you like!

Vanessa Williams & her daughter

Lynn Whitfield & Grace Gibson

Beverly Johnson & Ananson Sims

It's Official: White Guys are In!

Remember that movie 'Something New' with Sanaa Lathan
and Simon Baker? Long story short, the movie was about
an African American woman who dealt with the trials and
tribulations of crossing the colour lines and dating outside
of her race. Interracial dating has always been a controversial
area of discussion. In particular, African American women
have found it difficult to explore and date outside of their
race for obvious fads that white men do not measure up
below the waist line or that they like rock music and are
down right corny! These ideas are starting to change now
based on the experiences that women are having with African
American males. For example, Halle Berry once told the media
that she has tried black men and it never worked out. She is
currently dating Gabriel Aubry and says she couldn't be
happier and will never date a black man again. I was shocked
to hear this but not surprised. I, myself feel that the quality
of black men nowadays has decreased. Now don't get me wrong,
I know some great black men who set the standard for what
a MAN should represent. The rest unfortunately fall into a
the following categories: cheaters, liars and under achievers.
This is really sad to me because I'm not the only individual
who sees things this way. Here is what one woman had to say
on the topic:

"A black man does not protect our beauty. They constantly
try to destroy it. During slavery, black women were
constantly raped and degraded. Instead of stopping the
abuse, the black man continued it."

Now men, I will repeat myself and say that not all of you fall
into this category. So do not get offended and start protesting
against Two Grasshoppers. I'm just showing you what the
opinions of others are so that if you do fall into this category
you can become enlightened and make the change for the better.
But I digress. Here are some famous celebrity women who have
dated African American men and have now moved over to the
other side.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Random Track of the Day: Nipsey Hussle ft. Snoop Dogg

Trend Allert: Half Shaved Heads!

One celebrity too many are picking up on this new fad, officially
making it a trend. We all know how this goes. More and more
celebrities will start wearing this hideous hairstyle and before you
know it, it will be the new bob of fall 2009. So fellas beware,
half shaved heads will be coming to a girl near you soon!

Top 5 Cars to Have Sex In

5. Cadillac CTS Sports Wagon
Position: Rear entry
Why? Large trunk space for rear loading capability

4. Lexus LS 460 L
Position: Arm chair
Why? This vehicle has a reclining and massaging rear

3. Ford Mustang Convertible
Postion: Reverse cowgirl
Why? Top down and front seat forward allows you to
fulfill your fantasies and be an exhibitionist in a

2. Volkswagon Jetta Sportwagon TDI
Position: 69
Why? Generous sex space allows you to share and share

1. Bentley Continental
Position: Victory, her legs in a V
Why? Minimal outside noise will be drowned out by vocals
and 1,100 watt audio system.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Absolutely Absurd

Wednesday's Hot Pix: Diana Ramirez

Born: Diana Ramirez on November 8, 1979 in
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Interesting Fact: Ramirez appeared in Jay Z's
Streets is Watching video in 1998

Age Ain't Nuthin But A Number...

This just in younger women turn me on... that is all back to you "That Guy" !!!

Top 10: Male Fantasies

10. Sexual Orgy with different races of women

9. Watching a man and a woman have sex

8. Kinky sex (spanking, bondage, etc.)

7. Mother Daughter combination

6. Watching two women have sex

5. Sex with a stranger or acquaintance

4. Giving oral sex

3. Receiving oral sex

2. Sex with a famous celebrity

1. Sex with two or more women

Random Track of the Day: Modern Day Gangsta's Notorious B.I.G.

Just a question ...

Why is everyone so damn emotional?

Why when you tell someone something honestly, do they FIRST take offence, SECOND get angry that you spoke the truth, THIRD get upset that you would "think that way about them", before FINALLY realizing that you were right.

If you tell someone they're f*#king up, instead of thinking "shit, am I?", they think and often say ... "what do you know, you don't know what you're talking about". But, in most instances they do, the hardest thing for most people is self-reflection ... sorry OBJECTIVE self-reflection. Not because they don't know how to judge themselves or question their own actions, rather they are afraid to do so, because of what they might discover.

Next time, before you flip out at the way someone tells you something, maybe you should consider what is being told. There is something to be learned from any person you meet, encounter or have a relationship with throughout life. Don't be so quick to react or defend yourself, before you are even certain you're being attacked.

Take a step back, a look in the mirror and assess yourself, because we're all flawed, just many of us are afraid to find out what those flaws are and once we have, to admit them.

Top 10: Female Fantasies

Women are experts when it comes to dreaming up
the most exhilerating fantasies. Some of these women
spend just as much time hoping that their men will help
to put their fantasies into practice. Sound interesting?
Here are the top 10 fantasies thought of by women.

Number 10: Domination (her dominating you)
The whole scenerio revolved around you worshipping her
body and begging for her attention. She gets to be in control
why enjoying total devotion from her man.

Numer 9: Domination (you dominating her)

Number 8: Teacher/Student

Number 7: No Strings Attached

Number 6: Threesome with another woman
In this scenario you are meant to play voyeur until
she is ready for something more hardcore. This allows
her to experience the best of both worlds without
jealousy and sharing.

Number 5: Threesome with two men

Number 4: Voyeurism
It's erotic, exhilorating and simply taboo. When she says
that she enjoys watching, it means that she enjoys being
naughty without getting her hands dirty.

Number 3: Rape

Number 2: Exhibitionism
Most women are far too body conscious to experiment
with this one, making this simply a fantasy as opposed
to reality.

Number 1: Private Dancer
Most women would never strip in a public setting. So
why privately? Your enjoyment tells her that you find
her attractive and your erection lets her know that she is
in control!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Everyone has an opinion...

but doesn't mean you have to listen.

Ridiculous Celebrity Demands

Barbara Streissand asks for rose petals in the toilet &
peach coloured toilet paper to match her complexion.

David Hasselhoff insists on a life size cut out of himself

James Brown once asked for two women under the age of 21
and a woman's blow dryer.

Jennifer Lopez's coffee must be stirred counter clockwise.

Justin Timberlake requires someone to go around every two
hours and disinfect doorknobs.

Mariah Carey's dressing room must consist of bendy straws,
two air purifiers, puppies and kittens and and attendant to
take her used chewing gum and Cristal champagne.

USB Air Conditioned Shirt From Kuchofuku

The USB Air Conditioned Shirt is a fantastic invention for hot days! USB- fans blowing fresh air into the shirt. Best cooling effect - Made in Japan.

7 Questions to Ask at a Job Interview

Many individuals take a passive role when interviewing for
a new position with a company. If you are going to an
interview as a prospective employee then you should do
some research; read the job description and requirements
and research how the organization presents itself. Next time,
don't just competently answer questions that are addressed to
you, take the initiative to ask intelligent questions and steer
your interview into a helpful direction for yourself. Try the

1. What exactly would my day-to-day responsibilities be?

2. What are the opportunities for training and career

3. What is the biggest challenge facing the organization

4. When did you join?

5. What are the criteria that you are looking for in a successful
candidate for this position?

6. How do you feel that I measure up to your requirements
for this position?

7. Would you like to hear what I can really do to help your

What He Really Means Is...

Men these days are not any different than men of the past. Our formula is simple, feed us, fuck us and leave us alone. Here are some of the various phrases that men us on a regular basis. Ladies pay close attention this may help you in your present or future relationship.

1. What's Wrong?... means What did I do now?
2. No I don't want sex I am tired... you are not turning me on so until you do, goodnight
3. I am hungry...means I was hungry an hour ago and am really hungry now!!
4. I just want to be friends...means I am not attracted enough to you, so let's be friends
5. Where are you?... means why aren't you home yet?
6. I don't care... means stop bothering me, its really not a big deal
7. I am going out tonight..means I wanna have fun and be with my friends don't bother me
8. Why are you so emotional... means why do I put up with your crying all the time?
9. Don't Cry...means you are really ugly when u cry
10. Nice Outfit... means I would love to see you out of that outfit
11. Nice shoes... means I would love to have sex with you, with those on
12. I like your friend she is nice...means I would hit it if she let me
13. WHAT?! … means I heard you the first time .. but dare you to say the same thing again.
14. “Hello? … Umm… let me call you right back” … means don’t expect to hear from me again.
15. “Shit its .. 2:00am already” … means the bootycall is over and I’m out, quickly.
16. I’m sorry means … I hope that’ll make this argument go away.
17. I love you means … now can we go all the way?
18. You awake?...means If your awake I wanna fuck!!!

It was eight years ago this day that Aaliyah Dana Haughton
and eight others were killed in a plane crash in the
Bahamas. Let us remember her on this day as an angel
gone too soon. May her soul rest in peace.

What She Really Means Is....

Hey Y'all it's me again I just wanted to let you in on a little secret about women. Today's women are different than the women of the past. They are more sophisticated, more independent, more courageous, more bold and more aggressive. One thing that has not changed is that they are still and always will be emotional as the screenplay for the "Notebook".
During my many experiences with the opposite sex, I have learned that women learn to communicate with you in different ways. I mean they say one thing, but really mean another. I have taken the liberty to jot down some of these phrases that women use in their everyday interaction with us men READ CAREFULLY.

1. Whatever... means Fuck You!
2. I don't care anymore.... means I don't want to be emotional about this anymore!
3. You never listen to me.... means Why can't you read my mind!
4. I told you that already..... means I told you when you were half asleep!
5. I don't like that girl... means she makes me insecure about myself!
6. Now you are getting rude.... stop making sense it is too harsh and honest!
7. I wanna spend time with you... means I wanna have sex with you!
8. I don't want you to go out... means unless you are taking me with you!
9. Calm down....means stop being so honest I can't take it!
10. Why are you so mad.... means I wouldn't be mad at you if you fucked up!
11. I,m Sorry.... I feel stupid that you are upset due to my own insecurities!
12. Stop looking at her...... means look at me I want your attention!
13. You just don't understand... I don't know how to explain it!
14. Why didn't you call me... I have nothing to do, why are you so busy?
15. Who are you going out with?..... Are there any girls you are going out with?
16. I am bored.... I need more excitement in my life and you aren't providing that

Now some of these questions may vary depending on the female who is asking them so be careful with how you go about answering them.

Fellas your next so stop laughing!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009


In the case that you are ever arrested, wrongfully accused or at the wrong place

at the wrong time remember this advice if you can't remember anything else.

"Don't say anything" No matter what the cops say. Chances are they are lying to you....

The moment you open up your mouth you are guilty in the eyes of the police.

Keep you mouth closed and they cannot hold anything against you !!!!

This has been another public service announcement from the Two Grasshoppers...

Fascinating Facts About Love

1. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five
years longer than those who don't.

2. People are more likely to turn their heads to the right
when kissing than to the left (65% go to the right).

3. Feminist women are more likely than other females to be
in a romantic relationship.

4. Two thirds of people report that they have fallen in love
with someone they have known for some time vs. someone
they just met.

5. There's a reason why office romances occur: The single
biggest predictor of love is proximity.

6. Brain scans show that people who view photos of a beloved
experience an activation of the caudate - the part of the brain
involving cravings.

7. The women of the Tiwi tribe in the South Pacific are married
at birth.

8. The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and
comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

9. Philidelphia International Airport finished as the No. 1 best
airport for making a love connection, according to an online

10. A man's beard grows fastest when he anticipates

11. One in five long-term love relationships began with one or
both partners being involved with others.

12. People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of
the hormone serotonin - as low as levels seen in people with
obssessive compulsive disorder.

Guilty Pleasures: Lance Gross

Who He Is: Lance Gross born July 8th, 1981 in
Oakland, California

Profession: American Actor & Model
Where you may have seen him: Gross currently
portays the role of Calvin Payne on the TBS sitcom
House of Payne. He has also appeared on Bernie
Mac and Eve. He has appeared in music videos
for Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige & Kelis and
is also engaged to to Eva Marcille.

Why We love him: At the age of 28, he's already won
a NAACP award for his role as Calvin Payne. And aside
from looking absolutely flawless in all of his pictures,
he has the ability to make any woman smile with
his humerous personality. You know what they say,
"the way to a woman's heart is laughter!"

Friday, August 21, 2009

Public Service Announcement: Bicthassness Cont'd....

Warning if you or someone you know has the similar symptoms you may be a infected with this new disease: Bitchassness..... For all you ladies you are lucky, this disease can be only found in weak willed men. So if your brother, boyfriend, friend, cousin, work associate, uncle or anyone else is infected with this disease please refer to the following symptoms:

1. Overly Emotional
2. Lack of Self- Confidence
3. Overly Indecisive
4. Obsessive Compulsive behaviour
5. Unreliable
6. Sensitive ( extremely)
7. Takes Long to Get Ready to Go Out
8. Regularly Needs reassurance
9. No sense of discipline
10. Their Girlfriend or Partner Makes all the decisions
11. Overly Moody
12. Reliant
13. Dependent
14. Obsessed with their image
15. Spastic
16. Always argumentative about the smallest of issues
17. Won't stand up for their Girl if someone is attacking the both of you or just her

These are just some things I thought of on the fly. Stay tuned for pt. 3. Until then
keep hopping Grasshoppers.

WARNING!!! Public Service Announcement

There have been sightings of individuals who are male but act very feminine, who act tough but are softer than Yop! (the yogurt drink), who the only thing they floss are their teeth, who couldn't make a decision at the drive thru let alone in life. LOL!

Many individuals are infected with BITCHASSNESS.

Pull your skirts down, pull your pants up, tighten your belts and try to avoid falling victim to this widely spreading disease. Avoid speaking directly to an infected person, being too honest, frank or blunt, because their feelings are easily hurt.

This has been a PSA brought to you by That Guy @ thetwograsshoppers.

Where's Your Face?

We're always so fascinated by the way celebrities look in the
public eye. As women, we envision ourselves looking like them,
while men, picture themselves being with a women who look
similar. Now, take away the makeup and the glitz and glamour
and you have a regular looking female. Take a look at some
of these celebrities without their faces on!

How to Strengthen Your Gluteus Maximus?

Fuckkit It's Officially Brazilian Day: Andressa Soares

Shelly-Ann Fraser Breaks World Record!!

Warning this Is Annoying: Who is this GUY!"?"!?

Everyone has an opinion I guess... and with the internet, they also have the outlet to broadcast it.

I say we give this guy ... umm... 2 days .. and then his rant will be removed.

DOOORAG though ... really? I thought those went out with BRAIDS!

And why is his shirt off ?

We will Give you 10 Seconds before you stop this video and move on.

Usain Bolt Does It Again, Again, Again 200M 19.19!

Do You Wanna Go To Brazil? I Do!!

This is banana's!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two Grashoppers Video Of The Day

J Dilla feat. Havoc & Raekwon "24K Rap" from Dennis-Sean Baquiran Jr. on Vimeo.

Mysonne's Simple Pull-Up Workout

Now For all you who don't know. Mysonne is a Hip-Hop Artist from the Bronx. He was in jail for two armed robberies, which he served due to not informing on the participating members, although he states he did not commit.
Anyway he has learned alot of things in Jail and working out was one of those things he has kept in his regime. Here is Mysonne explaining how to get big arms, back and chest without having to go to the Gym. Enjoy!!!!

Nap time...

Why did they eliminate nap time after daycare/kindergarten???

When you're a toddler, with the least amount of responsibilities and things to do on a daily basis, outside of eat, play and sh!t, you have daily naps scheduled.
But, when you're older, working, stressing ... family, kids, gym, part time job, you need a nap the most, but can barely squeeze out a good nights sleep.
I'm starting a petition to incorporate naps into the daily work schedule.

I'll get right on it, after I rest my eyes for a few minutes.

Would you?!?!

The other day was talking to my friend and we were talking about coming from such large families that we don't know who could be our distant cousin male or female as we go through life. Becuase, in some cases we've never met them or even know they exist. This got me thinking ...

Would you ever...

  1. date a distant cousin? ("I didn't know, I swear, I didn't know!")

  2. follow your girlfriend when she has a "girls night" out? ("Oh, I always hang out at the male strip club ... you didnt know?")

  3. date someone your friend already had? ("You did? Really? When? I don't rememeber.)

  4. finish your dates meal when they go to the washroom? ("Chick ... I'm paying for this sh!t")

  5. ask a bad date for gas money? ("Gas, Ass or cash ... no one rides for free.")

  6. cancel a date 30mins before you're suppose to meet? ("I just changed my mind.")

  7. film a sexual act and not tell the other person ("Red light? What red light?)

  8. answer your partner's phone, check their voicemail and then delete msg ("7 is delete? Oh, my bad.")

  9. date 2 friends, but not tell one about the other ("Was that wrong? I had no idea that was frowned upon.")

  10. fantasize about your mother? ("I'm not disgusting, haven't you heard of Freud, I'm sophisticated")

  11. said something and then wish you could take it back, then think to yourself F*ck it? (Is it MY fault that you're offended, really?")

Jim Jones and Freaky Zeekey Reminisce On Past Fights During Their Rise to Fame

Juelz Santana Got Robbed In London? Then Proves he didn't....

This goes to show you if you work hard you can accomplish anything. Dawm I gotta step up my jewellery game.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ten Things You Don't Want to Hear During Sex PT.2

  1. Hurry Up!
  2. Can you cum already !
  3. That's It?
  4. So When are you gonna put it in?
  5. Am I in or...?
  6. Wrong Hole !!!
  7. Stop it your hurting me !!!
  8. Is the condom still on ?
  9. I didn't take my pill today just so you know (after you orgasm)
  10. My parents are home
* Bonus- 11. Harder Trevor and your name is Mike

Top 1o Most Awkward Moments

  1. Walking in on your parents having rough sex!!!
  2. Having your partners parents walking in on you having sex!!!
  3. Having sex in your apartment while the other apartment neighbor's watch
  4. Getting drunk at your parent's anniversary party and throwing up on your parents anniversary cake
  5. Tripping down the stairs at the Movie Theatre in a packed movie with all the lights on
  6. Tripping up the stairs at a Blue Jay, Leafs or Raptors game with your hands full and breaking your cell phone into five pieces on the floor
  7. Showing off your new car for your girlfriend or boyfriend and running into the back of a police car.
  8. Getting caught at work by your boss for having sex in the conference room and its his daughter.
  9. Throwing up on top of the toilet seat (while its closed) and its your first time over at your partner's parents house.
  10. Celebrating an important win with your teammate and accidentally kissing them on the lips.
Stay tuned for more awkward moments.....

Stop Hammer Time!!!!

No this article isn't about "Mr. Cant Touch This", this is about women who regardless of their foot condition feel the relentless need wear open toe shoes, flip flops, sandals, wedges or any other female shoe wear I can see your monkey hands, I mean feet.

First of all, if God gave you feet that are:

A) Large
B) Your toes look like Vienna Sausages stuffed into a dental floss pack
C) Toes that get longer from left to right

It is not your fault, you just have bad feet for a female. But please, please, please.....
do not feel the need to wear Sandals, Wedges, Flip Flops or any other open toe shoe.

Think of it like " The Atlantic African Slave Trade" NEVER AGAIN!!!!

It is rather disgusting especially when I am eating on the way to work via public transit.
This has been such a recurring issue that I decided to stop eating breakfast or a snack for that matter until I get to work. Yuuucccccccckkk!!!!

I consider myself to be an inventive person and with that being said here is one of
my newest inventions. Foot bare with me as I explain how this will work.

When a lady with bad toes, stinky feet or ashy foot bottoms attempts to put her foot
into anything but a close to shoe, an alarm will sound off louder than a firetruck or
repeatedly says "RAPE RAPE RAPE" until she immediately takes her foot out and puts on another appropriate shoe.

I have also thought of inventing the foot GPS. Now the foot GPS will walk you through
exactly where the most appropriate shoe is located to your feet and instruct you on
how to put them on in the most quickest and effective manner.

So ladies please do me a favour. When you get the chance.

Take your foot out of your shoes
Take your socks off
Analyze your feet
And then say to yourself Never AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN!

This has been another public service announcement from Sean Salty Sax!!!!

Back to you Bob....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Knowledge's Corner # 2

  • If a person tells you to keep this a's not a secret.
  • If someone tells you you are right and then adds a but... chances are they are not listening
  • Every Woman no matter Race, Culture Or Age loves Black Men ADMIT IT!!!
  • All Germans are not Nazi's
  • Italian Woman were taught to never date Black Men...why?
  • Chinese Women date White Men for what happens to the ones who date Black Men?
  • Black Women step your game up...stop being so materialistic
  • Black Men step your game up stop being so sex crazy, ignorant take care of your kids
  • White Men stop being prejudice and get to know someone before you judge them
  • Not all Jewish people are cheap...the joke is getting old now
  • All Guyanese people are not Indian the country is actually predominantly Black
  • Guyanese women make great lovers...
  • Filipino's want to be either Black or Spanish why not be Filipino?
  • Gay seems to be a fad, not a sexual preference.
  • Hip-Hop is ran by the same people who hate it...ironic isn't it.
  • President Bush is the Anti-Christ do your research
  • The Patriot Act is real....Do your research
  • If you fail to fight for something, you will be beaten by everything
  • What happens in the dark, will one day come out in the light
  • Close Mouths Don't Get Fed
  • To become a leader you must master following
  • If you invest in complaining, your return will be what you complain about
  • You Reap What You Sow
  • Not everyone was meant to be wealthy, who would feed and clean us?
  • Single Mothers are the real hero's, don't forget that.
  • It takes a boy to make a baby, It takes a Man to Raise one.
  • Anyone can be a Father, It takes a Man to be a Dad.
  • Ladies if you are not married to the guy, don't act like you are.... especially if you are young
  • Sex is a powerful weapon, respect it and treat it accordingly.
Stay Tuned for Knowledge's Corner Part #3 Coming Soon.....

Have you ever met a shape shifter?

A what?!!

A shape shifter, mystique ... chameleon.

I have. There's this girl I met a while back, that every time I see her, she looks different. Some days, she looks sexier than a naked Halle Berry giving a sponge bath to Eva Mendez, other days, she looks like the left over bath water. (I'm kidding ... not that bad).

More like that episode of Seinfeld when he's dating that girl that only looks good in the coffee shop. I wonder why that is.

Is it her? Or is it really me?

I can't be the only person who has ever experienced this.

Did you know?

That cocaine can be found on 85% of Canadian banknotes.
In a study presented Sunday at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, researchers looked at banknotes from more than 30 cities in Canada, the U.S., Brazil, China, and Japan.
Twenty-seven Canadian bills, taken mostly from Toronto and the Sarnia, Ont., area, were analyzed, said lead researcher Yuegang Zuo, a chemistry and biochemistry professor at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
Of the Canadian bills, 85 per cent were laced with cocaine. The amount of coke found on the banknotes ranged from 2.4 micrograms to upwards of 2,530 micrograms – approximately 100 grains of sand.
The results in the U.S. were similar. The researchers examined 234 bills from 17 U.S. cities and found that nearly 90 per cent of the notes contained trace amounts of cocaine.
Scientists have long known that money can become contaminated with cocaine during drug deals or by snorting the drug through rolled bills.
Bills that are not involved in drug deals can also be contaminated as they are processed by banks.
Despite the study's findings, Zuo said people shouldn't have any health or legal concerns about handling drug-tainted paper money.
In most of the notes examined, the amount of cocaine found was too small to interfere with drug tests or cause any health problems, he said.

Courtesy of the Toronto Star 2009

Words from the Wise!

Nothing in life comes easy and whatever does, never last long. Does anyone believe this?

I know i do. Over the years, I have learned many lessons about money, relationships and continuous struggle. Life does not get any better as you get older and honestly it can be very overwhelming. As I look back on my life as a carefree student, I realize that I took my life for granted and did not enjoy it as much as I could of.

Don't get me wrong I did have moments where I indulged in the joyous moments of life, but I still feel like I am missing something. Now that I am in my mid twenties I am looking at life from an older perspective and realize that life is no game. In order to get what you want you have to work hard and then when you seem to reach your goal work even harder to exceed it.

Some of you may be sitting there wondering "what the hell am I reading?" I just needed to get this off of my chest. However, like any book or movie that you experience there is a message.

Message: Life has good and bad times, ups and downs. Never say "why me?" and always plan ahead. Nothing tried and nothing gained, so hang in there and be persistent. Success comes to those who are the most persistent, disciplined and determined. Do you want it bad enough?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Quote of the Day

" I Love Winning, I Don't Hate Losing!

There is a difference. If you hate losing you will do anything to win!

If you Love winning you wanna win the cleanest best way possible. "


Keep that in mind along the road to success...

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Usain Bolt Does It Again, Again!

Friday, August 14, 2009

He's baaaack!!!

We take a moment to welcome NFL quarterback, Michael Vick back.

Give the man his, not only did he man up when the allegations and charges arise (didn't get into
a pale white Ford Bronco, with a sawed off shotgun and drive slowly up the freeway), but he

served his 2 year bid AND came home to work a $10/hr construction job. The Eagles did not

disclose details of the contract but ESPN reported Michael Vick will earn $1.6 million this

season with a team option on the second year for $5.2 million.

Not only did he man up ... he swallowed his pride, humbled himself and admitted his fault.

Always been a fan of his unorthodox, "catch me if you can", high octane style of play. But, more than that I'm a fan of his bounce back, you can bend but not break me attitude and approach.

Most people get knocked down or set back in life, but not all get back up or push through.

Lessons to be learned in any situation you encounter.

Oh No Keri!

When Keri Hilson first came out I really liked her style. She dressed with attitude and had an edge to her. But lately, her style seems to be way off. I didn't like her Michael Jackson ensemble she performed in at the BET Awards but I let it go because I figured it was her tribute to MJ. But just recently she was photgraphed at a performance in an outfit resembling something that Aladdin would wear. Keri if you ever see this message: "Please stop the outrageous costume impersonations!" Take a look at the pictures below to see what I'm talking about.

Fashion Trends or Fashion Ends?

TwoGrasshopers has been on this topic for a really long time: Men in Tight Jeans. My colleagues Mr. Sax and That Guy have both written articles adressing the issue but I think it's time that you get a females perspective on it. I recently found pictures from Calvin Klien's Fall 2009 fashion show and was disturbed by what I saw (see picture below). In no way, shape of form is this new form of dress attractive. First it was the tight jeans, then came the keds and now it's florescent tights. WTF is going on? Men, do you not see a problem with this? You are dressing more and more like women every year! What's next, sharing clothes with your girlfriend? Think about this. If you can walk outside and find another female wearing an outfit similar to yours, don't you find that to be a bit strange? Forget what celebrities are wearing. They are dressed by stylists and sponsored by famous designers (like Calvin Klien) in order to fit into the Hollyweird lifestyle (still no excuse). Create your own style and stop following trends. But if you disagree you probably fall into one of two of these categories: your gay and you don't mind the ball hugging pants because you weren't looking to reproduce anyways or because you don't mind wearing purses because your relationship requires you to be the woman in the relationship since HE wears the pants.

Star and Buc: Thanks But No Thanks!!

Don't Let Facebook Ruin Your Relationship

Thursday, August 13, 2009

School is Back.....Summer Never Came Though?

Goodbye Summer....Hello School
School doesn't have to be a complete let down when it comes to expenses. Here are eight tax breaks that students can take advantage of for the upcoming 2010 tax season.
1. Tuition
The federal tuition credit is worth 15% of tuition paid. This is where you would claim books, parking, meals and residence.
2. Education Expenses
Full-time students can claim up to $400 a month and part-tim student $120 a month if they attend college or university.
3. Textbooks
There is a textbook tax credit. Full time students can claim $65 a month and opat-time student $20 a month.
4. Moving Expenses
Students who have moved 40 kilometers or more for school can claim moving expenses against the income they earned for full-time or part-time work.
5. Transit
Keep the receipts or passes for weekly, monthly or annual transit passes for school.
6. Employment
Students who have summer jobs are entitled to a $1,019 tax credit for work related expenses.
7. Student Loans
If you have started repaying your student loans, you are eligible to claim the interest you are being charged (only if it is through a federal or provincial lender). Loan interest amounts can be carried forward for up to 5 years.

The Do's and Don'ts of Dating (1st Date)

The Do's:

Be On Time- Timing is Everything

Be Polite- Remember you really want to leave a great first impression on your date

Don't Be Cheap/ Be Prepared- You want to make your date as memorable as possible

Be Honest- If you are not interested in doing something say so

Compromise- If your date really wants to do something compromise, this will pay off

Have A Goal- Plan your work and work your plan. Having a goal at the end of the date is key.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings- Nothing is worse than being in a dangerous area for a date

Research is Key- Research different qualities or differences between you and your date

Gentleman wins- For a male, open all doors and pay for everything

Conversation- Ask your date questions that will lead to them talking. You will get great answers

Be Liquid- Role with the punches. Don't expect anything, but be ready for anything.

Confidence is Sexy- Be Confident in the way you walk, talk and interact it is a turn on.

The aforementioned principles will get you through your first date and will also lead to many other dates from that point on. I know that everyone has different personalities or ideas about what they should do or should not do on their first date, however I can guarantee you this. If you use the following principles and add your own touch, the date will play out great. Try it... Nothing tried and nothing gained....

Stay tuned for the Don'ts!!!

Sean Salty Sax