Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ways to Make People Uncomfortable

    Heres something you can do just for kicks some ways to make people uncomfortable. (Great way to break the ice)

    Step 1

    Move their stuff. When seated at a restaurant or coffee shop, take notice of those who mark their territory or mark their space. If you see someone touching all of the things in front of them and thus marking their territory, slowly push things into their space. Take a drink and then put your glass further and further into their domain each time. They will most likely move the offending object, but if it continues it is a good way to make someone uncomfortable.

    Step 2

    Destroy their comfort zone. People in general have their invisible comfort bubble around them as they talk to people. Make someone uncomfortable by stepping into their bubble when you talk to them. Most people will back away slightly as they continue the conversation, but keep edging in.

    Step 3

    Stare at weird parts of their body. Staring works with women, as most women know, because as men talk to your chest instead of your eyes it makes you uneasy. Without being rude you can make someone uncomfortable by staring at their hair or teeth. They will try to fix the "problem" they assume you find there, but keep staring to make someone uncomfortable.

    Step 4

    Get personal. With people you don't know particularly well, bring up random personal stories and give lots of details. This can be about your latest sexual escapade, your bowel movements, or your habit of saving your nail clippings or your pet roach. People will become uncomfortable when you divulge too much information for the level of friendship they have with you. You can also make someone uncomfortable by asking personal questions about their sex life and bowel movements.

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